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On Wednesday, the boys were back at school. They got up nice and early, made their way to the café and ended up in Yunhos car. That's where they were now. Along with Seonghwa and Mingi. The others were pestering Yeosang as to why the two weren't at school for two days and why the youngest Kang didn't answer his bloody phone.

"Yeosang-ah, again? Really? You can't keep missing school like this. If it is because of hyung, can't you get someone to watch over him or something? Like your father?" Yunho question from the drivers seat, focusing on the road ahead.

Yeosang sighed. "No, we're fine and we both were ill" He states, flinching when Yunho suggests leaving the smallest with their father, not answering that part. He looks up to catch Yunhos gaze in the mirror, before flickering his eyes down to his hands clasped in his lap, wringing them with nerves.

"Or just leave the freak behind" A voice rang out from the other side of the car. Yeosangs head shot up, ready to say something back when someone beat him to it.

"Ya! Park Seonghwa, that's enough!" Mingis loud raspy voice burst from the passenger seat. Everyone jumped, shocked from the outburst. Seonghwa pursed his lips, turning his head to look at the scenery out the window. Silence engulfed the group after that. Heavy breathing was heard, due to anger.

A small tug on his sleeve brought Yeosang from his shock. He gazed down, looking into the big eyes looking back at him. "Sangie, drink?" Yeosang smiled, softly. "Okay hyung, let Sangie grab it yeah?" He said, reaching down into the butterfly bag, pulling out a bottle of juice and handing it to the boy.

"Thank" Hongjoong muttered, sipping from the straw, not looking at anyone. If he was being honest, he didn't want to go to school. Being at school meant that Sangie would have to go. He didn't want to be alone. "Hyung, are you okay?" Yeosang softly questioned, leaning down the boys ear to not make it obvious.

Hongjoong looked up, still sipping on his drink. "...Sangie leaves" He muttered, before lowering his gaze again, avoiding eye contact. "Oh, baby..." Yeosang sighed, hand coming up to the platinum hair and gently rubbing it. "It's not for long, okay? Plus, you'll have Woo. You haven't seen him in a long time hyungie, I bet he's looking forward to it!" He tried to convince the older, enthusiastically. Hongjoong hummed and turned to face the front.

They pulled into the school parking area not 10 minutes after picking Hwa and Mingi up, and filed out of the car. Yeosang quickly glanced at the two tallest. "I'll walk hyung by myself today. Don't worry" He said with a smile. The other two looked reluctant, not wanting to leave them. "Lets just go" Seonghwa grumbled, leaning against the car, arm tattoos on show.

"Shut up hyung" Yunho rolled his eyes, already having enough with the older. "And get off my car you pig!" Seonghwa just held his hands up in surrender and lifted his body off the car. "Call if you need anything Sang" Yunho said, concerned. "See you in class then" Mingi added and off the three went, leaving Yeosang alone with his brother.

"Come on hyung" Yeosang said, and grabbed onto the tiny hand, leading the boy to his class. The whole way there Hongjoong was trailing a little way behind Yeosang, which was really unusual for the boy. He was usually skipping, seeming so carefree. It unsettled Yeosang a little. But they got to the classroom, Yeosang leading Hongjoong in, still hand in hand.

"Good morning honey, are feeling better?" Mrs. Shon cooed as she crouched down to the platinum haired boys height. The boy in question just nodded, avoiding her gaze. Mrs. Shons' face scrunched in confusion, glancing up to Yeosang, who just shrugged in reply. "Okay, that's good to see. Why don't you go hang up your coat and bag whilst I talk to Sangie, hmm? Wooyoungs over there, he missed you" The teacher said, straightening up.

The small boy grabbed his bag from his younger brother and began waddling over to the cloak room. "Is he okay? He's never this quiet" The kind teacher inquired.

Yeosang sighed, how was he going to explain this? "Urm...He's okay. It might be because he's been having accidents and nightmares over the past couple days" Yeosang lied. Mrs. Shon didn't seem like she brought it, but didn't go further. "Okay Yeosang, have you packed any diapers? We don't have any here"

"Yeah, they're in his bag. Although, he has a couple of rashes" He trailed off, eager to make his way to his own class. But that hope was quickly diminished when he saw his brother standing opposite him in the doorway, eyes filled with tears. "Sangie.." The boy whimpered.

Mrs. Shon quickly whipped around, taking one look at the boy before rushing over to him, taking him into his arms. "Shh honey, Sangie has to go to class. But you have Wooyoungie, me and the rest of the kids in here!" It was rather clear that she favoured the boy to others. Not that she'd admit it. But it was because the other teachers mainly disregarded the tiny boy, ignoring him because he was difficult.

Yeosang blinked and turned around, waving. He quickly made his way out of the door, hearing cries of "Sangie!" from his brother. He had to wipe his own tears that threatened to fall. But he made his way to his classroom and sat down in his normal seat, surrounded by his friends. The teacher wasn't in yet, thankfully.

"Hey Sang, are you okay?" San tentatively asked, bringing his hands up to brush the tallers hair out of his eyes.

"Y..yeah" He stuttered out, lips trembling and tears gathering in his eyes once again. San cooed as he saw this, bringing the boy into his arms as tears trickled down his princely face.

"Omg, Yeosang. Are you okay?" Yunho said, making his way over to the two.

"N..no" He said before breaking down into sobs.

"He finally disposed of the freak" Seonghwa scoffed, trying to seem that he didn't care. But he did.

Yeosang tensed, breaking out of Sans grip. With a tense face, he stormed up to the ebony haired boy, fists clenched. "WHAT'S YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM PARK SEONGHWA?!" He screamed, tears still trickling down his face. Everyone froze, the whole class was silent.

"Your brother is a freak, Yeosang. Why do you keep him around. I know for a fact that it's mainly you two at home" He said, cocky smile on his face. Yeosang felt his anger rise.

"Fuck off Seonghwa. You know shit!" He spat.

"Face it Sang-ah, your brother is a retard. How much better would your life be if he wasn't here?"

Yeosang pounced at the taller, screaming with rage and punched the older right across the face. Seonghwas head snapped to the side. Hands quickly grabbed onto the two, pulling them away.

"Let me at him! Hongjoong is NOT a retard!" He screamed, thrashing around in the arms of whoever was holding him.

"That's enough. Seonghwa, Yeosang, to the heads office, now!" The commanding voice of their teacher caused everyone to whip their heads around. Mr. Kim did not look happy at all. "Now!" He barked at them. Yeosang shook off the arms that were on his, grabbing his bag and stomping out, followed not too far behind by the older, who was now supporting a busted lip and bleeding nose. But he still had that cocky smile on his face. Bastard.

They ended up getting excluded for 2 days. It wasn't much, but it was supposed to make them 'learn their lesson'. Yeosang walked out of school, going home. It was lunch, meaning he would have to pick Hongjoong up in three hours. He sat on his bed, chucking his shoes to the ground, thoughts running wild. He sobbed.

Was Seonghwa right? Would life be easier if Hongjoong wasn't here? Would he have to work as much as he did? Perhaps he would have been able to actually be around his friends.

He quickly got rid of those thought. No. Seonghwa was wrong. Without Hongjoong, he would have given up a long time ago. He was he reason the younger was still here. He laid down, exhaustion taking over his tired body and fell into a deep sleep.

𝓜𝔂 𝓑𝓲𝓰 𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 ■ 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙 𝐚𝐮Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora