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Yeosang shot up, gasping for air as he shook away the nasty images that flooded his mind as he slept. Shaky hands blindly reaching out and ripping the covers off his bruised and tired form, and stumbling up and out of the bed.

With a quick glance around whilst looking for the door, Yeosang failed to notice anything amiss with the room. So, he sat back down onto the bed, limbs folding as he did so. Rubbing his eyes, he took a deep breath, turning his body to look in the direction his hyungs bed should be.

When he didn't see it, it caused a fresh wave of panic to flush through him, causing him to look around the room. That was when he noticed that he wasn't in their shared room at home.

Yeosang stood, blood rushing to his head causing him to become dizzy and even more disorientated. He stood and urged his feet to move, stumbling as he did so.

Unfortunately, he wasn't able to catch his footing in time, as the next thing he knew, he was on the floor, landing with a loud bang.

Footsteps sounded as people rushed upstairs, slamming the door open. The sound made him flinch as memories of what happened that previous day flashed through his mind.

Seonghwa tried to touch the younger, but he flinched away as soon as he sensed the hand coming towards him.

"Go away!" He shouted, arms coming up to cover his face.

Seonghwa and Yunho were panicking, here they were in Seonghwas room, one of their best friends on the floor mid panic attack.

"Shh, Sang. It's me, Yunho. You're safe. Were at Seonghwa hyungs right now. You're okay" Yunho soothed, approaching the boy as if he was a wounded, scared animal.

Yeosang paused at hearing the voice of his best friend. Glancing up through small eyelashes and peeking through the long digits of his hand. There he was, his best friend. As well as his crush. Both looking down at him with worry. Taking a deep breath, he tried to regain control of his body.

"I'm o..okay" He stuttered out, voice weak and wet as tears fell.

"Oh Sangie" Yunho breathed out, arms reaching for his best friend and encasing him in them as he fell into the embrace. "You're all okay now baby. You're safe with me and Hwa hyung"

Seonghwa nodded along, not quite knowing what to say. He was terrified, watching the younger and his love panic and cry because of the fear his own father had created.

"Seonghwa.." Yeosang whined out, reaching his thin arm out wanting to include him in the hug.

Seonghwa shuffled over, arms wrapping around Yeosangs thin shoulders as Yunho removed his. Only to wrap his much longer arms around the two.

"Is hyung okay? Oh my God, please say he's okay. He ran, didn't he?" He rambled, only to have Seonghwa reassure him and calm him down.

"Hongjoong's downstairs right now Sang, he's okay. Somehow he ran to the park outside mine. So he's all alright. Don't worry" He soothes.

Hearing this, Yeosang let himself calm down again as he melted into the embraces he was held in.

"We're okay. We're gonna be okay" He mumbled, tears glistening in his eyes, looking like the whole galaxy was in there.

Seonghwa swore he fell more in love with the younger than before, if that was possible.

"Do you want to go downstairs or stay here for a little?" Yunho softly questioned, hand coming up to brush through Yeosangs greasy hair. "You and hyung are in need of a clean" He hummed, chuckling with amusement.

Yeosang huffed and jokingly pushed his tall friends hand away, but held back onto it for comfort.

"Go down? I wanna make sure hyung's okay" Bless his poor soul, always thinking about his brother and his safety more than his own well-being.

They all got up, Yunho leading whilst Seonghwa held onto Yeosangs hand. The youngest there was walking on trmbling legs, his injuries from the night before not getting any better. But, it was only the next day, so they didn't expect anything different.

"Hey baby. Sangie's here" Yeosang cooed, seeing his brother with his face in Mingis neck, scrunched with discomfort. He quickly let go of Seonghwa and walked towards Hongjoong with open arms.

When he heard his brothers voice, Hongjoong jumped straight off the tall chair and into the awaiting arms with a cry of "Sangie!"

"Aww, did you miss me that much? Sangie was only sleeping, little one" He chuckled, already forgetting about the situation that lead to them being here.

Although, when he felt his shirt begin to dampen, he pulled away. He was yet to see his older brother cry ever since he was 5.

"Joongie? Baby, Sangie's okay" He cooed, large hands wiping away the petite, stray tears. But the boy shook his head and dived back into the embrace.

"Oh...poor babies" Seonghwas mum said, face showing sympathy as she watched on behind the island that separated them whilst she made breakfast. Watching them, she could see her own family in them. Her own memories being brought up by the display. "Boys...why don't you stay here? I'm sure Seonghwas father won't mind in the slightest. Plus, I think Seonghwa might also want you here" She directed this part at her son.

Seonghwa quickly shot her a look, wide eyes telling her to 'stop'. But, she's mum, so she has the right to embarrass her son.

"Mrs.Park, we couldn't. I'm sorry that we already caused this much-" Yeosangs soft rambles were cut short by his own brother.

"Joonie wan' stay!" He sobbed, glancing over to the warm woman that he had easily
become attached to. She was warm and gave nice hugs! But not as nice as Sangies hug, 'cause nothing can beat a Sangie hug, or a Yunnie hug, or Mingi hug or even a Woowie hug. Hongjoong just got too many hugs a day. But he decided that she was definitely near the top of the list.

"Joong, we can't baby"

"Why not?"

Everyone turned to EDEN, surprised. When no one said anything, he continued. "Well, it's obvious mum wants more kids. Plus, she has taken a huge liking to Hongjoong. I have to admit, the kid's cute. And...Seonghwa has a massive c-" Seonghwa quickly ran over to his older brother and covered his mouth with his hand before he could go any further and spill his secret.

"Stay?" He questioned, sending innocent eyes to Yeosang who couldn't look away.

"Okay..." he said, still not looking away. He missed the cheers of the others, only focusing on the light blush that covered Seonghwas cheeks as they stared at each other.


Omg, it's happening. This is not a drill, it's happening. Calm down everyone, it's happening.

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