Chapter 33: Pregame

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Chapter 33

"It's a busy day at the Michigan Big House. Today we see the promising new team the Hamilton Hawks take on the Seaholm Maples for the 2014 Michigan State Championship for High School Football. The Hawks are at the end of an amazing season, only losing one game, their first game." Paul Rogers said on the radio.

"I'd certainly say they owe all of their success to a pair of twins from Texas, the Charlestons. Boy, that's a family with some strong genes for football, wouldn't you say Paul?" Heather replied with a fake laugh.

"Whatever is in the water down in Texas, we certainly need some up in Michi-"

Coach Samuels turned off the radio, walking back and forth in front of the team. They were all kneeled down in the locker room, ready to go out and kick some ass.

I let the locker room door close behind me, bracing myself for the aftermath to come.

Coach instantly turned to look at me, as did everyone else in the room.

I expected Coach to yell at me or something, but he just pointed to the fancy office of the locker room.

"Now." He snapped, stepping over a player's legs to get to the door.

I kept my football bag on my shoulder as I followed him into the office, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Close the door." Coach snapped.

I quietly shut the door behind me.

"Where the hell have you been?" Coach said harshly, crossing his arms. "Do you know how worried we've all been today?"

"I know I'm sorry I-"

"You're sorry?! Try telling that to your team! We're about to go out and play the most important game of the season and our quarterback isn't even here!" Coach yelled at me.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry." I said softly, not even knowing how to defend myself.

"Where the hell were you?" Coach snapped.

"I got to Columbus before I realized that what I was doing was stupid and I had a game to play." I mumbled, looking down at my feet.

"Ohio? You drove to Ohio? What the hell were you thinking?" Coach exclaimed.

"I was going to go to Texas but I couldn't not play in this game." I shook my head. "Look I'm sorry okay? I just kind of lost it this morning and didn't know what to do."

Coach took a deep breath.

"Have you been drinking?" Coach asked quietly.

"No sir." I shook my head, looking up at him.

"Have you been doing anything that will jeopardize your playing tonight?" Coach asked.

"No sir." I shook my head, my heart still pounding in my chest.

"Then get your ass out there and get dressed for the game." Coach said, pointing to the door.

I nodded, turning around.

"And son?"

I glanced back at him.

"I went through exactly what you're going through. You're not alone." Coach gave me a reassuring smile.

I just nodded, walking out of the locker room. I couldn't help but think that coach was extremely wrong. He had no idea what I was going through right now.

While I dressed for the game, Coach started his pregame speech, standing in front of the team again.

"When we get off of this field, after the clock runs out in the fourth quarter, I want to see a team who deserved to win. It doesn't matter what the scoreboard says. I want 50 tired, run down football players who gave everything they and left it out on the field. I want Jason Charleston on his knees, catching his breath, because this team played so damn hard that even our best player got tired out, understood? I want Hank Allen to remember what it's like to win a state ring. I want Hank Allen to finish this game with a feeling in his stomach that he had after he won 3 years ago. I want Nolan Asbury to walk off of that field with a smile on his face because he made his daddy proud. I want all of you to wake up tomorrow morning, your muscles screaming in protest because of how hard you hit, how fast you ran, and how determined each and everyone of you. When you walk off of that field, I want this radio to be screaming about that bum team from Hamilton, Michigan, who pulled their shit together and won a state championship. In 50 years, I want Brian Charleston to tell his grandkids about the time he won his third state ring." Coach Samuels said, his voice quiet and determined.

I grabbed my helmet, taking a knee in the back of the huddle next to a freshman who looked absolutely terrified to be there.

"Jason warm up." Coach said shortly. "In the halls."

I nodded, standing back up.

"Charleston you too." Coach said to Brian.

Brian jumped up, following me out of the locker room.

"Where the hell have you been?" Brian asked as I started jogging up and down on the carpet.

I didn't reply, feeling sick to my stomach.

"Do you know how worried everyone has been? You were gone when I woke up and you weren't answering your phone. Carly nearly had a damn panic attack when she found out you weren't here!" Brian said loudly.

I still didn't reply, stopping next to him to start stretching out.

"Hey listen to me, you're the one who gave me the whole damn speech about leaving your problems off of the field, so you better do that tonight, do you understand?" Brian said harshly.

I ignored him, wincing as I stretched out my hip.

"Jason at least call your girlfriend to tell her you're okay." Brian snapped.

"She'll see me on the field." Was the only thing I said to Brian.

And that's the only thing I said for the rest of the warm up before the game.

I popped four Advil's into my mouth, washing them down with a gulp of water from the locker room sink.

Of all nights, my hip could not cause any problems right now.

"Charleston let's go!" Coach called as the team started leaving the locker room.

I splashed some water on my face, grabbing my helmet to join them.

"Come here." Coach said, pulling me aside in the hallway.

"Are you alright?" He asked softly.

"Yea everything just hit me this morning and I'm kind of screwed for my future." I replied, running my hand down my face.

"No you're not, Jason you're going to do just fine. My wife and I raised our first child from different colleges, both in Texas but still an hour apart. And listen, I was a lot worse off than you. I didn't have the kind of football skills that you have, I didn't have the determination that you had, and I had a lot more to drink on an average night than you did." Coach said honestly. "Listen to me, go out there and play the best damn game of your life. Because if you fret over your problems during the game, all you'll have is a missed chance at a state title and you'll be no closer to solving your problems."

I nodded. "Don't worry coach, it won't effect my game." I said confidently.

"Jason you're going to be fine. I'm honored to have had you on my team. If it wasn't for you and your brother, I wouldn't be standing here right now, alright? Now go out there and kick some ass." Coach said seriously.

I nodded, putting my helmet on my head as I joined the rest of my team to jog out onto the field.

If only I'd known what was to come...

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