Chapter 14: Girlfriend

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Chapter 14

Every muscle in my body was on fire as I collapsed on my bed. 

Coach Samuels had decided to up the level of practice, saying that our team had more potential than we were exhibiting. 

And that meant practice until 6 every day. 

Now normally I wouldn’t complain. That’s the usual for our practices at Allison. 

But I was still recovering from whatever had been wrong with me on Monday. 

I was completely content to just lay there and sleep for the rest of my life. 

“You look like hell.” Carly said, walking into my room. 

“Are you allowed in my room?” I laughed as she walked over to my bed. 

“I’ve never been in here before.” She commented, sitting down on the edge of my bed. 

“Were you just at soccer?” I asked. 

Carly nodded. 

She was wearing a black t-shirt, black shorts, and socks bunched around her ankles. 

“You smell.” I teased, pulling her down so she was cuddled next to me. 

“So do you.” She replied, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. 

“Guess what today is.” I whispered. 

“What?” She replied. 

“Our two day anniversary!” I said cheekily. 

Carly just rolled her eyes, obviously trying not to laugh. 

“You’re so weird.” She giggled, resting her head on my chest. 

“Oh, can you get that?” I asked softly as my phone started ringing. 

Carly nodded, reaching to grab it from the little table next to my bed. 

“It’s some girl named Hannah.” Carly frowned. 

“Put it on speaker phone.” I said softly. 

Carly nodded, setting the phone on my chest. 

“Han?” I answered. 

“Hey quarterback.” Hannah said happily. 

“What can I do for you?” I asked curiously. 

“First of all, I don’t know what happened between you and Katie but she’s been even weirder than usual. Second of all, tell your brother thanks for making Jess normal again. And third of all, I was just calling to see how you were.” 

“Well how kind of you.” I laughed, tracing my hand down Carly’s back. “I’m absolute shit at the moment actually. I haven’t had that much to drink in weeks.” 

Hannah laughed. “Amateur.” She teased. “What are you doing right now?” 

“Laying in bed.” I replied. 

“Ooh scandalous.” Hannah giggled. “Bet you wish I was there next to you hmm?” 

“Eh, not at the moment actually.” I replied, making Carly giggle. 

Hannah gasped excitedly. 

“Oh my Gosh is it the girl!” Hannah exclaimed. “The one you told me about?!” 

“Yes, yes I’m with my girlfriend.” I said happily, looking down at Carly. 

“Ahh yay! You finally have a girlfriend.” Hannah laughed. “Damn, guess I need to find another guy to-” 

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