Chapter 9 - that night

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(Y/n)'s point of view

It was late I know that no one is up. But in Skyrim people are up late ether at a tavern or walking down the road in holds. I miss being able to just taking a stroll around the place that I call home. But there's one other thing on my mind. Optimus I can't help but blush when he's near me or when he talks to me. I soon realized that I'm not going to get any sleep so I decided to walk out side but I know I'm going to have to sneak out. Once I'm out or my room I walk quietly down the hall to the mane room. And quickly and quietly walk out the door closing it softly.

I walk to the middle of the lot that out front of the building and lay on the ground and look at the clear sky. "It's a lot different from the sky I'm used to they only have one moon. When we have two one big one and a small one that travels across the sky. They day is the same one sun but I'm home sick I miss it a lot." I was so caught up in thought I didn't hear the door open reviling Lennox.

"Hey what are you doing laying ing the middle of the parking lot. It's dangerous." Lennox says snapping me out of my thoughts. "I couldn't sleep I was thinking about home and some other things." I say to him as he sat next to me looking up at the sky. "What's on your mind maybe you need someone to listen to you besides Optimus. To me you seem really nervous around him you blush a lot." Lennox says I just look at him surprised that he said that "am I really that bad at hiding it or can he read me like a book". I think "you seem to read my like a book or I can't hide it that well" I giggled and he look at me with a smirk "you can't hide your blush as good as you think you can. But what I'm really interested in is the way you stare at the sky with a confused look. Why is that?" Lennox asks

"well your sky in the day is the same but at night is a lot different. We have two moons and lights that dance in the sky in Tamriel. I will have to show you I know a spell that will show you what my home looks like. But I would like everyone to see as well maybe tomorrow night I will show you." I say and he looks at me with a confused look and I giggle at him. "What will it be like will we be in your world?" He asks "no it will only be an illusion or like that TV thing. I've only used it a few times when things are not going the way I want it so I used it to see my world at peace." I say and he laughs and I look at him confused to why "TV got it right is a TV but you didn't have to put the thing after it" I giggled at what he said and we sat there looking at the sky in silence.

"I got some clothes for you to wear tomorrow when you go shopping so you don't get any attention by the way your dressed. Sam and Michaela are going to help you so bee will be with you so at least you know someone there." Lennox says I only nod. "We should get some sleep. Oh And Optimus you can stop standing there nothing bad is going to happen." I say and Lennox looks behind us a little surprise that I knew he was there. "How did you know he was there he asked me to come and check on you. He seen you go out the door and call for me." Lennox says. "I felt some one starring at me and I also look a few minutes ago from the corner of my eye." I say giggling and blushing a bit. "Are you alright you seemed to have something on your mind. And I didn't mean to stare." Optimus says while rubbing the back of his head "I am thank you of caring about me. But we should all get some sleep for tomorrow I have a feeling about something that I need to talk to Odahviing about." I say as I walk through the door and to my room for the night smiling that Optimus cares about me.

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