Chapter 4- were am I

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(Still Optimus point of view)

It's been a day sence we got her here I've sent a message to any remaining autobots that are still alive out there. "How is she ratchet. Is there any progress on her waking up." I ask "no this it the sixth time you've asked today. Are you ok old friend?" He ask and I just nod and say "I'm worried for her. She looks to be far from home like us and maybe she is. And I wander what that dragon said maybe she might know." I say " how would she know what that dragon said she's human. All of her scans have come up negative for any other being out there. And I think it would be a good idea to use our holo-forms when she wakes up we don't want to scare her. I'll tell you when she starts to wake up." Ratchet says to which I nod and walk a way.

"Hey Optimus is there anything saying she will wake up soon?" Asked jazz (I love jazz too much to let him die so he's staying alive) "no but ratchet will let us know if anything happens." I say and he nods and walks away to bee and talks with him "you are all concerned for her. Why is that?" Epps and Lennox ask. "I'm just worried what If she a long way from home with no way back. And I was also wandering if she might know what that dragon said before it left." I say "She's human there's no way that she would be able to know what that thing said. And probably where she from she look a little to short to deal with dragon don't you think." Epps say only to be smacked upside the head by Lennox. Be for I can say any thing we all hear ratchet say she waking up.

(This is what Optimus looks like I can't really find the others

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(This is what Optimus looks like I can't really find the others.)

We are standing there as she starts to look around with concern and fear in her (e/c) eyes. "W..where am i?" She asked but she's speaking in some kind of language that we don't understand. "What did she say?" Epps ask to which we all shrugged. "Do you speak English?" Lennox ask as he stepped a little closer to her. "Oh of course you don't know how to speak in dragon tongue. Hehe" she says only to leave us all confused of what she means. "What do u mean dragon tongue?"  I ask as she looks at me with those beautiful (e/c). "First tell me where I am and then I'll explain everything that I know to you." She says. "You are in a place we call American on the plane earth. You are in our base because we brought you back with us after that dragon dropped you off and said something that we don't understand." Me and Lennox explain to her. Her face turns from confused to fear and anger. "What did he say? Can you guess at to what he said?" She ask but we all shook our head no. "Do u have a name?" Ratchet ask her "yeah it (y/n)" she says and I have to say it's a gorgeous name. "We need to show you something we have a recording of what that dragon said to you when you were unconscious. But we need you to not freak out on us and try and attack any thing please." Lennox says and we know what he's getting at. "Okay but I'm already freaked out by the fact that I'm not back home." She says so we all walk out as Lennox helps her walk to the platform that's a little over 20 feet in the air. "What's going to happen now?" She ask "just watch" Epps says.

We all deactivate out holo-forms and transform. As she look at us in awe and In amazing meant. We explain that we are Cybertronen and our planet was destroyed by the war between the autobots and the Deceptacons. "That's amazing but I really need to hear that thingy you were talking about. I need to know what that dragon said it's probably really important." She says and I nod and play the recording of what the dragon said. "Do you under stand it cause I have no idea what is going to here." Epps said. "Let me start from the beginning" she says

Optimus prime x female Dragonborn readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang