Chapter 7 - alduin the world eater

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Optimus point of view

We all look to see another dragon but this one is all black with red eyes. But I didn't look for long I looked at (y/n) and odahviing. They where on-guard to see this dragon. "Alduin" (y/n) speaks with venom in her tone. "Dovahkiin I see you have made some new comrades. To bad it wouldn't last long for I'm am to destroy this world then all Tamriel. But you will be dead along before that" alduin says to her.

He breathes fire at her but be for I could move she's out of the way. He lands in front of her and starts to snap at her. She quickly takes out her sword and starts to fight him. I look to see odahviing has disappeared but I look over to see him snapping at alduins neck. I look to (y/n) to see her get hit with alduins tail and goes flying through the air. I quickly grab her in my servo so she doesn't get hurt more then she already is. "Thank you for catching me but I would have been fine." She says " you are already hurt badly if I didn't catch you. You would have been hurt a lot worse" I say in a hard but kind tone.

(Y/n) gets down from my servo and goes back to fighting. It hurt to let her go in to danger I'm worried what if she gets hurt or worse. "What am I think she said that this is her whole purpose in life. But I just don't want to see her get hurt. Just thinking about it hurts my spark". I think "this is not the end Dovahkiin I will return to fight you to the end" it says but this time in a language that we do not understand stand. "YOU COWARD WHY WONT YOU STAY AND FIGHT ME" (y/n) yells to alduin.

After he's gone we are all standing there shocked that she did a lot of damage that he retreated. "That dammed coward he wouldn't stay to the end. I had a lot more fight in me." She says "Dovahkiin you are already injured enough and he knows it. He wants a fare fight not one where you are already close to deaths doors." Odahviing says to her but all she does is nod. "I must go now Dovahkiin you are needed here you can always call upon me. I can teach you the way of the voice later you must rest now and heal. And NO healing potions" odahviing says "yeah yeah I'm out anyway" (y/n) says.

Optimus prime x female Dragonborn readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora