mission 4

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A/N: well here we go chapter 4 i have an idea to put some of nigth raid to be in kuoh so maybe in the next chapter they will arrive.Without more delay into chapter.

also Idk if i wrote right the timeline in dxd but i described everything important to the story



i woke up from my deep slumber and i began preparing my food i felt like i was being obseved but i didn't knew were or what was watching me. I closed my eyes and let my instinct do the work for me, what i saw it was not what i expected it was the same cat yesterday it didn't has a collar so i suppose it was abandoned.

Y/N:If you want food you will need to work for it

it stayed there staring at me I suppose i could spare some fish I don't care after all I'm getting closer and closer to my objective when I'm finished here I have to report back to the base and then to the next mission that is my life never staying in site for much time not that i care beuse that os the live chose so i could redeem myself.

I gave one cooked fish to the cat i looked really happy like it didn't had food for while that is what happens always when they leave people to syrvive on their on but i trained and learnt to survive so my sister did.

Y/N:(sigh)you don't have a family to return to or any brother or sister

When i said the last word the stood there still it looks like it has a sister and dosn't want to saw her or the other way around.

Y/N:you should come back to her when you still have time I know what is to abandon and failed in the eyes of a sister atleastt she will not kill you in sight.

Te words I said seems to affect the cat It approched and nuzzled againts my leg i didn't care after all I think that it still has time unlike me. It stopped and ran somewhere problably to see her sister.

After eatting I started training I must not rust my abilities if I do I will die in battle. I will not die until  after facing Kurome.


After training and packing everything and hiding my campment I started going to the school that the devils were.

When I arrived I heard some sort of discussion problably Issei doing something that he musn't do or him being a pervert.

Rias: you must not aproach that nun or that church everything clear Issei

Issei:okay pres

I decided to enter now that the ruckus was setteled I only saw Rias,Akeno and Issei soon enough when i entered Akeno excused herself and teleported herself to do something maybe a pact or something

Rias: hey Akame, did anyone saw enter the school?


Rias: I'm not going to question you because of you abilities so i take your word for it.Sorry to inform you but todey we are not going search that Freed that you tak about so if you want to stay here at discuss our agreement. Also Issei you are going to do your first pact so prepare yourself I'm going to teleport you there.

She began creating a portal. When Issei stood in he didn't teleport he was still here so we supposed that he didn't had the ability to teleport him all alone so someone has to go with him I can't because I'm human and Rias culdn't because she had chores to do so he went all by himself in an bicycle.

Rias and I agreed that when i finished here she have one favour from me and she couldn't revive me in her perage she wanted but agreed that.

After that settled the rest of the perage began appering one by one except koneko,Akeno tried to make conversation with me many of the phrases that she said I didn't comprehend after little while Koneko appeared she seemed to sence something with her nose and started eyeing me up and down I didn't care at all but she looked she lost her words she was going to said something to me but she was interrumped by Rias saying that issei was in danger if I don't remeber bad the king in a peerage could sense the life of their subjects

The One Cut Demon in Kuoh/ Stopped For Ever  (Male Akame Reader x Higschool DxD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang