It's been a while

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So I don't know how to start this so I'll explain.

Almost a year ago the last chapter was released and ever since I was trying to figure out what to do next since I followed but nothing came to mind, I wanted to update so hard but just an empty chapter with no relevance at all.

I do not know what to do, I re-read the chapters before to try to find ideas but nothing, only orthography errors and some cool ideas like why there are Imperial Arms in the DxD universe, to be honest, I didn't know why this story became so popular in less than 2 months even reaching the top 5 in the Akame Ga Kill hashtag and probably most of the people that follow me is because of this story.

I originally started the story as a thing to entertain me in my free time since my DnD group had their studies taking the most of their time, but nowadays we managed to return to the weekly sessions.
So I said to myself "I have read many DxD stories that have something from Akame Ga Kill like her weapon saying it's his sacred gear or something along the lines", but I have yet to see a weapon so powerful with no explanation at all, for example, Twilight Healing Asia sacred gear is rare but not unique since there can be various wielders of the same equipment at the same time.
So I gave an explanation of why there were weapons such as Murasame and the other Imperial Arms, I really enjoyed writing that part, but after so many chapters I wondered myself why? Why are they here, what is their objective? 

-In the end, I found myself ending in the usual fanfic idea of a group of humans against the supernatural that steps out of line, don't get me wrong used in a good context it can be a wonderful idea but I feel I used it in a wrong way.

Second point of the story, Y/n and the revolutionary team in the story, I always had in mind that the story should centre around them so I was going to take some points of the manga and add them there like the fight between Akame and Kurome in the future but how I was going to get there was a mystery, and the important events of DxD most of them there was no need for Y/N to be there, I not going to invent some way to Y/N to be in the middle of the rating game for no reason at all, it doesn't make sense and it would overshadow the main protagonist of that event.

Let's put it this way let's say you put Saitama in Infinity War, he would probably destroy and you would erase all the development of characters that happen in that movie, something similar would happen if Y/n was in every single important event that involves a fight almost everything would die instantly.

So I was stuck there thinking about what to do for the story without deleting most of the characters in it, and that leaves us now, me writing this, to be honest, I'm still trying to figure out what to do, this is the first story I wrote and holds a special place in my heart.

I do not know if I'll return to this story or any that I do not see the future on, so if anyone wants to take the chance of trying to continue this story feel free to use it as a base for your own I don't mind inspiring people in some way just try to make it unique.


So with that said if you are going to try to make this better please let me know, I would love to see how this story would develop.

That should be all I hope you understand and thank you for everything this is Y/N and the end of this story.

Thank You

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