mission 2

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A/N:Im still new to write so please dont hate me if write wong also im problably going to have a error or two while writting the universe of dxd it has been a long time since i watch it but remember almost entirely the first season so i might screw up when we reach the part when they introduce xenovia and irina.

Also most of the story will be narrated in the point of view of the reader so things that you don't see or hear are not going to be written.So lets begin



After everything that happened yesterday you where observing how the boy was doing because you must be sure that they didn't do anything to the boy without his consent. While observing you heard that he was asking to what you suppose to be his friends about a girl called yuuma, you suppose that was a fake name that the fallen angel took.

Surprising nobody the devils already made their move erraising the memories of everyone that knew that name, something you hate it because the supernatural treats the humans like puppets. Thats why teigus were born first case humans that didn't have any means of protection no sacred gear, nothing at all, humans born with those were mostly corrupted people  that used their newfound power for their gain or the most lickely became part of the supernatural. So when the teigus were created they revealed againts the supernatural and those who were corrupted. There were 48 teigus in all but those who possessed one were almost invencible but that didn't whithout a cost whoever tried to use one they needed to own the will and endurance to not be killed by it. Most of them were lost some are now possesed by the supernatural. The supernatural most lickely couldn't use the teigus but there are some who could but it's rarely that one could they mostly died trying using them.

timeskip by all that lore that i brougth up out of nowhere

The boy retrace his own steps to see if all that happened was a ilusion of his own mind now he's in the park where saw you and yuuma transform.

Suddenly out of nowhere appear some fallen angel in a grey trench coat and a fedora trying to kill him so you came out of your hiding spot to parry the attcks of the man.


boy:(looking at you)You again so it wasn't a dream

Fallen angel?: Raynare said that someone with red eyes and dark hair stopped her from killing the boy. But who could think that someone was The One Cut Demon so i suppose that you are here to kill him.

while that was happening I saw a red glyph appeared in the floor and from it came the gremory girl

Gremory girl: You are in the gremory territory so i will ask you to leave the boy alone you can do whatever you want.

FA: Red hair that a trait from the gremory clan so you must be Rias Gremory and next time dont leave you subjects roming around in places they shouldn't be(then he faced me)you her that demon the gremory dosn't care about your human live.

Y/N: She is not the target. If she kills a human seh will become one.

I begin aproching him

FA: I not crazy enough to face you till we meet again Demon.

he disapeared againg leaving without clues so i begin walking again so maybe i can find him or the objective but i was stopped by the boy.

boy:(while bowing multiple times) Thank you,Thank you,Thank you,Thank you,Thank you.

Y/N: It was nothing.

i begin walking again but i was stopped again but this time by a boy with blonde hair triying to slash me with a sword but i parry it with murasame and counter it with a hit whith the hilt backing him away.

The One Cut Demon in Kuoh/ Stopped For Ever  (Male Akame Reader x Higschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now