mission 5

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A/N: well in thins chapter will be the beginning to add some of akame ga kill story to DXD

Hope that you are enjoying the so far even if i don't remember the story of DXD so well



After completing the mission I sent a crow with my report the base of operations. I gotta say they have really fast birds, but they preffer using new computers and tecnolly to send reports I dont't like it what if a hacker intercps our messages but the same could be said about the crows not that happens frecuently.

I have to make breakfast and begin training  maybe they will respond fast but for now i will train and later I will go to Rias and her peerage.

Mini timeskip

While i was training  i felt some rustling in the trees and son enough i hear the sound of a falcon atleast the are fast with sending their next missions.The falcon has a note whith him and i started to read


After completing your mission we decided that you will stay in Kuoh for some time to observe the devils. Also we sense that Freed and his group was the start of something bigger. So we will send two companions and a new recruit to help you if the task gets harder than it should be.

Also reports are saying that murders are coming to Kuoh all reports say that they were decapitated, We suspect is Zanku the executioner be awere that he has a Teigu we don't know which is it.

So to keep it brief search a new place to you and your companions to stay and investigate the murders also your companions will be Bulat and Leone the recruit is called Tatsumi she dosn't has a Teigu yet so train her to be capable to get one.

From Najenda.

It has been a while since a seen those two but at least I know I can trust them with my past and tatsumi we will have to see  how capable is she. I hope that Rias won't screw us over Zanku but knowing her she will gladly help maybe she can help me getting an appartment for us.

Y/N: I know that this won't end well


It was afternoon people are going to their clubs i sneck out to the ORC to tak to Rias and maybe she has an idea for the favour I own her.

I entered the club there they stood everyone of Rias peerage and all tuened their heads toward me and said hello to me even Asia who didn't know me she introduced to me.

Y/N: I'm Y/N Akame

Asia: it isn't akame a girl name?Sorry for the rude question

Y/N:it's because of my eyes.....Rias I need to speek to you

Rias:Ok what do you want to talk about.

I explained the situation to her she understanded why are sending more of my organitation(A/N: Im not going to say revolutonary army because that was because they wnated to throw the empire and night raid was the group we know im open to sugestion for names)She asked who they were

Y/N: Bulat a man with a good heart and he cares about his companions, Leone a woman of my age very strong like koneko but with the personality of akeno even if i don't know the meaning of half of her interactions towards me, we know each other because of missions of the past and for last Tatsumi the new recruit i don't know anything about her.

The One Cut Demon in Kuoh/ Stopped For Ever  (Male Akame Reader x Higschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now