Chapter 17

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The stew arrived and to my surprise I actually really did like it. It was served with white rice and it was the perfect combination honestly. I really had a thing against guys that go all alpha male on me. My ex always had the need to pay for every meal even when he had no money. I told him I have money and that I could pay for my half of the bill but he would never have it. When he had no money, we would have to eat sparingly, we would stay home and cook noodles. Not to say that I am some high maintenance bitch, but I really couldn't live off noodles every time. 

Even when it was our first-year anniversary we ate nothing but microwaved food at his house. When we went out with my friends, he would always like to flaunt his money. He would pay for the entire meal because his ego would be bruised if he let a girl pay for him. But with Noah he seemed to know what he's doing. Another thing that surprised me was Noah actually didn't mind me treating him this meal. I have to say the change was nice.

Noah saw the surprise on my face but didn't call me out instead he just smirked and ate his soup. Noah and the owner seemed to have a history from the way she held out her arms to embrace Noah as he did the same too. The playful banter between them was just adorable. It opened my eyes to a new side of him and not just the cold, arrogant and rude asshole he always is. We ate together in silence and when I was done I got up to pay first. The lady gave me a kind smile and accepted the money.

"Thanks for the treat, sweetheart." Noah was now standing behind me rubbing his belly.

"Well, thanks for saving me and taking care of me." I grabbed the change from the lady.

"Aurelia, I already told you. It's fine, I did what any normal, good – hearted citizen would do." Both of us walked out of the restaurant together.

"You've been here before?" I asked him as we walked towards his car.

"Yeah, when I was little my mother and I used to come here when the weather turned colder." He unlocked the car door and we got in.

"You don't come here with her anymore?" I noticed he was hesitant to answer because his mouth was opening and closing, wanting to say something but didn't.

We drove in silence for a while until he broke it. "No, I travel a lot for work..." His voice trailed off behind.

"What do you work as?" I began to get curious because of his car and his house.

"I have a couple of clubs in the States and here, a few hotels in the States." He said.


"Don't need to act shock. I'm sure your father has more properties than me." He laughed rather awkwardly.

"I honestly don't know. I never get involved with his work or business. Even his personal matters are none of my concern. As far as I know he's just a sperm donor." I ranted.

"Woah.. Are you alright?" He put his hand on my thigh, consoling me. I felt the tingles from his touch. His hands were honestly so smooth and I had to control myself to pick it up and touch it.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I just ranted." I apologized.

"No, it's fine. Do you wanna talk about it?" He said.

"Why are you suddenly wanting to pry into myself?" I shocked myself by asking. I just know the guy for like what a full day? And all of a sudden he cares? He wasn't like this during our past encounters. Have you ever been so torn between wanting to let out all of your frustrations and scared that people may judge you for being an ungrateful child? That's how I'm feeling right now. I mean it is easier to talk to strangers... But is Noah really considered stranger?

"I was just asking. I didn't force you to spill anything." He surrendered, taking his hands away from the steering wheel quickly and then putting them back.

"My father hasn't really been in my life..." I chose to tell him, to let out my frustrations that neither my mum or Aaron would understand, "I caught him cheating twice and so did my brother which I just knew yesterday. My mum knows. They've been in an open relationship but honestly just on my father's side. My mum is still hopelessly in love with him. You know she even washes his whores' clothes and lingerie? He barely comes home from work. He can leave home for weeks without telling any of us where he's going and then suddenly come back home. He treats it like a goddamn hotel. Yesterday when I was at the bar, I said some things to my mum that I regretted and I went to drink my sorrows away. I basically asked my mum why she hasn't divorced his hormonal ass yet and if she's staying with him because of his money –" I got cut off by Noah as his fingers trailed up my face to wipe a tear that had fallen without my knowing. I also noticed we were not parked by the side.

"Hey..." Noah wiped the other tears that started falling.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me. I have no idea why I cried." I pushed his hand away and wiped my tears fiercely.

"It's okay you know? You don't have to continue if you don't want to." Noah said. His voice was honestly so soothing. It was full of care and concern and it made my heart swoon.

"No, I know.. I just don't know why I cried. It's weird." I forced a laughed.

Noah just looked at me, his dark green eyes piercing me and the tension in the car was filling up with our eyes locked on each other. I was the one who broke the gaze first.

"The reason why I'm even here is because our family needs to keep up appearances for the public. I only saw him yesterday at the hotel after almost two days of not seeing him. He left the minute we checked into the hotel and he even had the audacity to come out and ask us how was our day yesterday." I continued as I played with my fingers. We haven't moved yet. Noah was still looking at me and given all his attention to me.

"I got into an argument with Aaron yesterday. All of those years I thought he didn't know that's why he was always worshipping the ground my father walks on. But he knew and he still treat that piece of excuse of a father the same." I said angrily.

"Aurelia..." Noah lifted his fingers to my chin and turned it so I faced him and he gently wipe the tears that kept flowing down "I don't know anything about your family but I do know what it's like to not have parents. Maybe you could think from your brother's shoes. Maybe to him, growing up without a father figure was hard and so he cherished the moments that your father his back..."

I was looking at him with tears in my eyes. I was a crying mess. But Noah just continued the wipe the tears away. He leaned down and placed a lingering kiss on my forehead which shocked me and then engulfed me in a hug. But I was too much of a mess to care. All I need right now was his warmth and caring, soothing voice than calmed me immensely. 

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