Chapter 5

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Amy wiped her imaginary tear from her eye as she held on to her phone, still recording. Jessica and Dylan released each other again and walked out from the back. Amy put her phone back into her purse and said "Wow. Is this a Romeo and Juliet love story?"

"Nah, they aren't forbidden lovers. It's just a secret affair." I said, touching my chin like I was thinking really hard about it.

"That shit was crazy. It only happens in books or movies. Didn't know Jessica had it hard." She said as she walked to the mirror to look at herself to see if there's anything that needed touching up. I followed her.

"Rich people have rich people problems." I shrugged.

"True, I mean look at you, no offence, you're sour about going on a trip to South Korea. The land of Oppas. But you're being pissy because your dad's doing it for the sake of appearances." Amy said all sassy.

"None taken and no comment." With that, I walked out of the bathroom and went back to the VIP section, downed a bottle of beer and a shot, ignoring the stares from the guys, and headed to the dance floor not waiting for Amy. I wasn't mad at her or anything. I just felt sour about it. Amy's life was perfect and she wouldn't understand it. Rich and loving parents who constantly showed affection every time I went to her house. Both of her parents cared about both her and her sister. They didn't care about grades or anything even though there were no problem with Amy's grades and her sister's, who was majoring in microbiology at Harvard. Whereas I had a hormonal ass prick for a father who couldn't keep it in his pants for a day and my mother who was practically like his maid.

With that in mind, I danced my sorrows away on the dance floor. My hips swayed to 'Lights Down Low' and closed my eyes feeling the sensual music, not giving a care for the world around me. You know those scenes in the movies where the girl is dancing alone on the dance floor without the care in the world as the camera is solely fixated on her and nobody seems to mind her too, I was doing exactly that. I guided my hands along my body and put them in the air and the music faded into Rihanna's Don't Stop the Music. It was almost ten and the club was getting more packed with people so was the dance floor. I still didn't care I just danced like I was drunk on the dance floor. There were a few times when a few guys came from behind and started grinding against me and I just moved away from them. I wasn't drunk, it would need to take a lot more than a shot and a couple of bottles of beer to get me drunk. 

I was busy enjoying the music when suddenly I had this eerie feeling that I was being watched. I stopped to just look around and I saw a guy standing on the second floor looking down at me, straight into my eyes. His dark green eyes were so captivating and he had this mysterious aura surrounding him. It was like the whole world around us just disappeared and it was just the two of us. He was wearing a black hoodie which had the hood up with ripped jeans. From afar I could see he had an eyebrow piercing on his left. His jaw was sharp that it could cut through paper. I stood like that in the middle of the dance floor for what felt like hours when it was only a minute at most and then somebody bumped into me. I fell down and jeez, falling down on the dance floor was the worst thing, the fear of people stomping on your fingers was just horrific. I quickly stood up and when I looked up again he was gone...

I began frantically looking around, I mean I got up pretty quickly and he was gone just like that. Like a snap of the finger. I walked towards the club's main entrance but was stopped by Amy. She looked at me and waved her hand in front of me to get my attention.

"Lia who are you looking for?" She questioned. I looked around some more and then I walked out of the club and looked left and right to find him but the only people that were outside were the bouncers, a bunch of drivers waiting to pick up some customers and a bunch of drunks.

How did he leave so fast? Did he even leave? I was thinking to myself.


"I'm sorry Amy. I was just distracted and looking for someone." I answered.

"Who?" She questioned curiously.

"Never mind. Probably just my imagination or something. I don't know. Let's go back inside." I said dropping the topic and pushing her back inside the club.

After the said encounter with the man with the mysterious aura and dark green eyes, I wasn't in my mood to drink and party anymore. It was almost midnight too and the club was in full spin. I took small sips of alcohol here and there to satisfy the guys and Amy, showing them I can have fun and let loose. They probably didn't see me on the dance floor. I rolled my eyes internally. I need to stop rolling my eyes even if it is internally. My mind was constantly going back to that moment on the dance floor where I met those dark green eyes. Who was he? Why was I so drawn to him?

"Who was who?" Amy questioned over the loud music.

Shit. I said that out loud.

"Ermm... no one A." I tried to hide my lie and nervousness by taking another sip of my beer but I think anyone would know it was a sign of nervousness. But thankfully Amy didn't press further. She got back to making out with Damien and I got back to thinking about those dark green eyes.

God how could someone's eyes have this effect on me and I've just seen him once. He could have been looking at somebody else. I might not even see him again. I mentally face palmed myself.

"Hey, I'm going to the bathroom again wanna come?" I tapped Amy's shoulder as she was too engrossed in the make out session with Damien. Jeez, what's it with people making out in the open. Get a fucking room for fuck's sake. She answered me with a moan that said no and I rolled my eyes and headed to the bathroom.

Stupid alcohol. Every time I drink until a certain amount, I would always have to use the bathroom. I did my business and as I got up I got a little dizzy. Jeez the alcohol is also starting to have its effects on me. I went to wash my hands and walked back to the VIP area. As I was walking back, someone bumped into me. What the fuck is with people bumping into me?

"I'm sorry." I apologized even though it was clearly the person's fault. But I just wanted to get back to the table and sit down and scroll through my phone.

"I should be the one apologizing, no?" As the person questioned, I looked up to see who the low husky toneless voice belonged too and I saw those eyes. Those dark green eyes that was taunting me for the night. 

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