Chapter 8

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I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Are you stalking me?"

He just looked, or more like stared at me, like it's trying to decipher something from my facial expression and features.

I waved my hand in front of him to get him to snap out of his staring. "I asked you a question."

Still nothing.

I got up from my seat and changed to another one further away from him and checked my phone for the time. 8:45a.m.. We would be boarding soon and being first class meant getting onto the plane first which also meant getting the hell away from him.

Jeez, I can't believe that that night at The Village I wanted to be close to him as if I was hypnotized by him and after our little encounter at the bathroom and this morning near the check – in counter, I can't wait to get far away from him right now. After switching seats, he didn't bother me anymore he sat where he last sat and I sat with my back facing him so I don't fall into the depths of those dark green eyes.

"Good morning passengers. This is the pre – boarding announcement for flight 45W to Seoul. We are now inviting passengers with small children and any passengers requiring special assistance to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes. Thank you." The lady through the intercom made the announcement.

Finally! I did a little happy dance in my head.

I quickly grabbed my bags and went to find Aaron and my mum, couldn't care less if my dad decided to board the flight or not. I was happy that I finally can shake that green-eyed stalker from me. But as I turned to look at him, I saw he was also getting up and straightening his suit.

Oh hell no bitch. "What are you doing?" I stopped and turned fully so I was facing him.

"Getting on board the flight." He said nonchalantly.

I scrunched up my face. My annoyance was fully on display.

"Hell. No." I said to myself out loud. He just walked pass me again. I feel like I was about to burst into flames. The nerve of this guy. FUCKING HELL.

"Lia, let's go. Why are you standing there?" Aaron snapped me out of my near outburst. I huffed and went to the boarding gate with him and unfortunately my father was also there with my mother. The flight attendant wished us a safe flight as she checked our passports and boarding pass. We made it to our seats on the plane and I noticed green eyes was also in the same cabin as me. GREAT. Insert the smiley face emoji that looks deadly. We were sitting in the same row but I was two seats to his right. He sat at a window seat. Thank god there was this lady who was big enough to block me from his view so he didn't notice me.

"Mr. Jung, would you like a drink before we take off?" One of the air stewardess asked him.

"Yes," He eyed the stewardess name tag and said "Laila. Whiskey on the rocks. Thank you."

"Sure, Mr. Jung." She smiled a flirty smile at him. After a few moments, Ms. – I – cannot – be – professional – on – the – job came back with a glass of whiskey and a name card which clearly had her number on it. Green eyes just politely smiled at her. I just couldn't control my eyes rolling from that whole interaction. Jesus fucking hell. It looks like he didn't spot me staring at him. I don't think he knows I'm in the same cabin as him which is great. All I have to do is lay low until we reach Seoul.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard flight 45W to Seoul..." The head stewardess started making an announcement that our flight was about to take off. Fastening of seatbelts were asked and our phones were to be on flight mode. About 15 minutes after the announcement, we were in the air. Flight stewardesses came by pushing a cart and asking us for our meal preference between chicken porridge with kimchi on the side or an English breakfast. I chose the porridge and for drinks I had green tea. After the meal, I checked the screen to see that we still had around five hours left. I got up and went to use the bathroom which was a big mistake because I saw green eyes standing up too. I pretended not to notice him and went to the lavatory but he saw me. Gosh, the luck I have...

"Are you stalking me?" He questioned amusingly with a smirk on his face.

"Gee... that sounds familiar. Do you always use other people's lines? How unoriginal." I said sarcastically and he was once again amused by me. Rolling my eyes again, I went to the lavatory and did my business. When I got out he was standing just outside.

"Creep..." I said under my breath with my head lowered. Just at this moment, the plane started to experience a turbulence that forced me into his arms.

Shit, that scene was too much from a rom com movie. I said internally and quickly got out of his hold but he wouldn't let go. I looked up into his eyes and saw him staring at me. What is it with all this staring.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the fasten seat belt sign. We are now crossing a zone of turbulence. Please return your seats and keep your seat belts fastened. Thank you." An announcement was made.

I pushed him off of me and went back to my seat. He stood there for a while and then following me. I took out my ear buds and just played some songs and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep. With the turbulence rocking the plane, I slept like a baby in a cradle.

My mum shook me to wake me up saying that we were landing soon. Damn, I slept for five hours. See this is what not having enough sleep does to you. Even in such an uncomfortable position I managed to not wake up one single minute during the five – hour sleep.

I let out a yawn and stretched myself, earning the attention from green eyes. I really need to stop calling him that. I heard the air stewardess, Laila, call him Mr. Jung. Sounds like some important businessman. He is dressed in a suit. Hmm...

We touched down and the captain made announcement welcoming us to Incheon International Airport and the temperature now was 5 degrees Celsius. Soon we were able to get up and get our belongings from the overhead compartment. I for one couldn't wait to get out of this small enclosed space with Mr. Jung. I got my bag and made a run for the doors not caring about my family because they knew I wouldn't get far without them. I dashed to the baggage claiming area and waited for our bags to arrive since we just landed and I practically ran out of the airplane it would take some time. 

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