C h a p t e r ♪ 1

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c h a p t e r 1

a n e w d a y


I was awoken by the smell of my mother's cooking she greeted me with the sweetest smile on her face, me and my parents just moved into this city, we were always moving because of dad's job but I'm used to it, my hometown was at my granny's in a small village that's the place where I grew up.

My dad pulled out a chair for me and then messed up my hair before reaching for the guitar and started to play a song.
"Look at the stars, look how they shine for you, and everything you do, they were all yellow"

I quickly realized that he was making me sing the song, I know my dad he's gonna sing just a couple of verses then let me sing the whole song, well if that's his plan he got me good.

"I came along, I wrote a song for you and all the things you do and it was called yellow " this is our favourite song, I would be lying to myself if I said it wasn't, I could recite the lyrics over and over again.

"That's enough you two, let's eat first" she placed the food on the table, I didn't know that heaven existed in a plate "Well I'm so lucky to have a wife like you" and here they go again with their cliché romance stuff.

"Mom, Dad that's gross" I was about to depart the kitchen to eat my meal in peace but my dad lifted me up "since when did a forget about my princess" he twirled me around and I could see happiness in both his and mom's face.

"Daad I'm already a senior in high school" yes this is my family we're always there for each other.

When I arrived school, I gripped on the strap of my pack bag and the other to my guitar as I heaved my way to supposed to be my classroom.

I smiled to anyone I walked pass through, but some of them just ignored me so I just lowered my head I don't want them to think that I'm a creepy stalker or anything.

The teacher gave me the cue to come in and I could see all their gazes planted on me.

"Hi everyone I'm Harmony I like music and my hobbies are singing and writing I hope I can get along with all of you" I was busy examining their faces while making my introduction.

"Hello Harmony you may sit there" The typical backseat where new students are supposed to sit, I ain't complaining about this though, I get to sit next to the window and guess I don't have a seatmate yet.

The ringing of the bell filled the whole school telling us students that morning class already ended.

I noticed a note on my desk and to my surprised it was a map of the whole school, I pulled out the sticky note and started to scan it

"hi you're new here right? Since this school is pretty big I brought you this, I remembered when I first came here without a map and it took me a week to memorize the whole school" what no name?

I looked around I was the only one left in the classroom, it hit me that I was supposed to be in the cafeteria.

I picked up my lunch and joined the mass of students clambering their way to the cafeteria.
"You're new here right?" A girl greeted, leaning against the wall by our classroom door.

I smiled in returned before letting words escape my mouth "Yeah" I craned my neck and saw that she was with another girl.

"You can join us for lunch" I thought that maybe she could be the one who gave me the map since she was the first student to talk to me right?

The two entered the cafeteria and picked a table "So, I heard that Jean girl had a lot of guys coming after her again, god she's such a slut"

"yeah she's acting cute and innocent to make guys come after her" They let out a chorus of arguments.

I pressed my lips together while fidgeting with my fingers, feeling left out. Should I be sitting with them? no Harmony they were the first person who talked to you and even gave you a map of the school.

"So I'm Drea and she's Deana, Harmony right?"
"Yeah-" before I could even finished what I was supposed to say they started to gossip about this girl called Jane again.

"look there she is" I looked up to a girl with mid-length hair to sit all alone in a table, not only Drea and Deana was whispering about her but all other girls as well.

I didn't know high school would be this scary. From what looks of it that Jane girl seems nice though.

Lunch ended and students scattered like ants making their way back to their respective classrooms and just like that the class continued it's flow.

The whole afternoon I was just looking at that Jane girl why does everyone in class hate her especially the girls.

Class ended a bit early, hmm reasonable since it's just been the first day, allowing myself outside I held the map in my hands and decided to kill time by exploring the school "Ok where should I start" holding that map I felt like a was a professional tour guide or something.

While exploring I smashed both of my arms in checks forgetting about my guitar in our classroom,

I accelerated back to the classroom and saw her that Jane girl holding my guitar while standing outside the classroom.
She seemed apprehensive about something,

"Hi" I greeted first, she jumped not expecting me to talk to her, "Oh sorry I didn't mean to barge into your things I just thought that maybe...here's your guitar back"

Their description about her doesn't seem to match her personality at all, she seems kind.

"You don't have to worry, I'm actually glad that you picked it up and sorry if I had made you wait because of me"

She smiled the warmest smile that summoned her teeth, were they talking to a different person earlier?

She didn't seemed the type of girl to make slutty moves but the opposite.


Hwang Hyunjin ♫ Sticky NotesWhere stories live. Discover now