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b r o k e n c o m p a s s


Did you ever feel like you're a MISFIT, when you're just trying to fit in but you know yourself that you don't belong.

Well I know how it feels to be that way, I was never an outcast, I was vivacious, always ecstatic and as bright as the sunshine.

Back when I was just a little tot, my parents assured me that instead of filling the room with my crying instead I filled it up with my singing , well at least that what they told me.

That's why they came up with the name Harmony, since then I have passion for making or producing music.

I was already contented with the life I had and couldn't ask for nothing more, I had friends, a loving family, and a happy life that everyday I was thankful for.

But I didn't know that all of that had to change just because of one thing.

It ate me from the inside that my happy, energetic, talkative self, became a different person, a person which didn't allow herself to be happy anymore, she didn't continued what she loved doing the most and that's making music.

When I lost my vision, it didn't only affected my eyes but my whole humanity as well.

The friends that I had spent my time with frequently, they all ignored me, I guess they didn't want to be friends with a blind girl and embarrassed while spending their time with me.

My parents didn't know what to do with me since I always shut them out I'll just envy them for having to do things which I could not do, I don't want to hear that stupid guitar, that bullsh1t piano and their stupid singing voices.

I learned to take care of myself and distanced myself from people because why make yourself devoted for a person when you know they'll just leave you when you don't benefit them anymore.

But out of nowhere he fell into my life making me rethink all of my decisions, he made me opened my eyes to the beauties I once admired thinking to myself can this person be the one to make me see again what I've forgotten...

Oh his name?



Hwang Hyunjin ♫ Sticky NotesWhere stories live. Discover now