C h a p t e r ♪ 14

751 42 10

c h a p t e r 1 4

i t' s  o k   n o t   t o   b e   o k


Telling Hyunjin every detail of what I'm going through had me in tears.

I was just there crying and then I felt Hyunjin hugging me and raised both of my arms and decided to hug him back.

"I'm sorry you had to go through stuff like that, and I made you suffer even more because you had to narrate that all over again. " Hyunjin voice cracked I heard him also crying.

"Wait Hyunjin it's not your fault you just asked me--

" I'm never gonna leave you OK? I promise, I'll make you laugh every single day and watch over you, I'll never leave your side, I'll stay with you forever " I cried while hugging him, it feels comforting and sad at them same time, I don't know how can I face Hyunjin after this.

But to know that someone's there beside you at all times made me feel safe like I'm never gonna be alone anymore.

Hyunjin gently broke the hug and said. "Look at our faces we both look like zombies, no I'm the one who looks like a zombie you're still pretty even though you just cried Harmie" I felt his fingers stroking my hair, I suddenly remembered how my dad used to stroke my hair like this.

Dad really gave me Hyunjin because he's more than a substitute for dad, he so much more than that.

I laughed after Hyunjin said those words, even though I just cried a river just now Hyunjin managed to make ma laugh.

I feel like after this event me and Hyunjin will be a lot closer since we both already know our ups and downs in life, I practically told Hyunjin everything.


"Hey granny I'm going on a trip with Hyunjin tomorrow is that OK?" I asked her, I'm so nervous what if she'll disagree what am I gonna tell Hyunjin.

"Hyunjin's a nice kid, I say go for it, but promise me you'll both be safe" I could feel my eyes sparkled in so much joy.

I quickly ran upstairs and pack my stuff it's not really a overnight trip, it's just a one day activity in seoul.

Last time I couldn't sleep because of excitement when I was still in grade school, I had a singing competition coming so I could not sleep the night before that.

I wonder what Hyunjin will wear--- snap out of it I'm not gonna see it anyway.

After I finished packing stuff I need for tomorrow, I quickly hoped on my bed and tried to sleep early because I couldn't wait for tomorrow.


"You seemed more smiley than usual?" Hyunjin greeted me.

"Of course, I'm meeting you" I said, smiling like an idiot.

"Let's go?"

"Let's go"

"So where in Seoul are you taking me today?" I said feeling all jumpy and stuff.

"It's a secret, but I think you seem to excited for this trip, did you sleep well last night?" Am I that excited, everyone keep saying that,

"Of course, I slept, how about you?" I asked him.

"Well I couldn't actually"


"I can't seem to stop thinking about you"

I stop like my heart just skipped a beat, to think that with those simple words he can get go crazy like this.


"We're here, the garden of sunflowers" Hyunjin said.

"Harmie stand there I'm gonna take a picture of you" He said and I just posed and smiled from where I'm standing.

Fresh air passed both out faces, this is nice, call me crazy but I feel like in every place we go it's just the two of us.

I felt his hand around my shoulders and took a selfie even though I don't know where the camera is.

"Hyunjin why do you keep bringing me to places like this?" I asked.

"Why don't you like it?" he said and gave me a back hug.

"No, I love it, really, but I can't even see anything, I kinda envy you because your eyes are still working while mine aren't" I said.

"Promise me" He said which made me a little confused.


"Promise me that once you regain your vision let's comeback to all the places we were before ok?" it's comforting knowing that he still believes that I still can have my vision back but every time I woke up without seeing anything it discourages me a lot that maybe I can't see anymore but Hyunjin turned it around, he turned it all around.


" Let's eaaaat" Hyunjin said and I heard him placed a bowl of ramen infrot of me.

I tried my best to eat neatly, I DON'T really eat messy but when you can't see anything you tend to spill everything around you.

"It was a long day, I can't believe It ended so quickly" Hyunjin siad.

"When they say that if you want time to go slower it goes faster and the other way around" I explained.

"I wish we could go home already" Hyunjin said, does he not want to spend time withe anymore?

"What?" I asked.

"I wish we could go home already, I want time to speed up so it gets slower so I can have more time with you" He's such a flirt, and everytime he would say those kinds of things I would just automatically smile and laugh.


Hwang Hyunjin ♫ Sticky NotesWhere stories live. Discover now