C h a p t e r ♪ 4

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c h a p t e r  4

s a d  g o o d b y e


It felt like time was again dragging a lot slower than my usual Fridays. I spent the rest of the day listening to music and put my earphones on, in the hopes of blocking everyone out.

After morning class rounded out as usual I went to my locker to arrange and organize my things for the following class still wearing my earphones.

A note fell and just seeing a glimpse of it made my day so much better.

Sticky note #521
You seem gloomy today, I wish I could comfort you but don't worry tomorrow I'll be certain to hug you and give you comfort when we meet.

And with that said it's like I didn't have a breakdown last night, reading his letters made me feel safe.

I wonder what sticky will be like, is he gonna be tall? Older than me? Have a great sense of humour?

Thoughts keep going around my system, that I didn't even realize that Jane is already in front of me snapping her fingers trying to get my attention.

"You've been spacing out since earlier everything ok?" She placed her hand on my shoulders, and with a troubled look in her stare.

"I'm fine,  just excited about sticky tomorrow" Explaining my perceptions to her but in the middle of our chitchat, I noticed her expression changed from glad to a bitter one, the one that I didn't want right now.

"Harmony about tomorrow" she paused, her look says it all I know it's gonna be bad news, I don't want to hear it, I still can't process what just happened to my dad yesterday we were singing our favourite song but the next day he said he's leaving.

"I'm gonna transfer to a different school" no, not you to everyone except you, I tried my best to conceal what I'm feeling but I need to set my feelings aside.

"Really? Don't forget to text me every day" We both didn't hold back our tears and just felt buried ourselves in each other's arms.

I kept pretending to be strong all this time but behind this disguise is just a weakling good who's at pretending.

So it turns out Jane's leaving next week, I can't imagine a Monday without her, the first dad now her but I'm still holding on to the bright side, the thought of talking to sticky about my problems would be the best thing I need right now.


I strummed my guitar singing to YELLOW, others repeating a song over and over will make them sick of it but me I'll like it even more than the first time.

It's a Saturday, Jane must be busy packing her stuff.

A loud knocked on the door echoed in my room and I slowly marched in front of it, revealing my mom with an assortment of fruits in her hands.

Come to think of it I have been selfish this whole time, I didn't speculate what would mom also feel about dad's sad departure. I just assumed she wasn't hurting since she accepted the dilemma shortly after.

Hwang Hyunjin ♫ Sticky NotesWhere stories live. Discover now