C h a p t e r ♪ 16

691 42 3

c h a p t e r  1 6

c o m f o r t i n g


To think that i can never see anything ever again, made me annoyed, I was mad at everyone all over again, I'm such a loser.

I locked myself in my room, no wonder my mom came, when my condition was still temporary she didn't spare even a minute to visit me here, she just remembered me when the doctor called and apparently said that I'm permanently losing my vision.

Like in a snap my routine became back to normal, like nothing ever happened.

Granny left me food thinking I would probably be hungry as soon as I woke up, wrong! I didn't sleep the entire night eight hours just there, and all I could see is pitch black.

"HARMIEEE" and apparently he's here again, tears started escaping my eyes for no reason like what the hell.

I opened the door "Hey are you crying? What happened--

"I'm fine so could you please leave?" I was such a idiot for saying this to Hyunjin he did nothing wrong and I am here yet again pouring my anger out on him.

"What? I'm staying here! I gonna beat the shit out on that person who made you cry like that--

" Hyunjin stop ok? Just leave I don't want you here! " no don't leave, stay with me

" What-but I thought we were-- the tone of his voice changed, is he crying?

" You thought too much, I was just being nice out of pity because you didn't have any friends!" I need to stop, the only way I can stop yelling at him is to be alone right now.

I was about to go inside I tried to find the doorknob but then I felt Hyunjin hugging me with all his might.

I tried pushing him, my hands turned into fist, I tried to get out of his embrace but the more I tried to get out, the more tightly he gripped me.

"Hyunjin, stop--

" No! I won't stop,  the rest of my life I will fight for you, I can't be wrong HARMONY  the way your eyes sparkle when you're with me, last night when I saw your reaction of what I said that confirmed me what you really feel" I hate it because it's true, I'm too busy building this wall around my heart and dumb enough to realize that it's no use because Hyunjin will just break the barrier over and over again.

"Say what you want Harmony! Scream at me I don't care, pour all the things that's been keeping you from being happy--

" I haate my life!  I miss dad! EVERYTHING HAS BEEN FALLING APART SINCE HE LEFT ME, I WANT TO BE HAPPY AGAIN BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW! I WANT TO HEAR MUSIC THE SAME WAY AGAIN, I WANT TO SEE THE WORLD AGAIN, I want to see everyone, my mom, my granny, AND YOU HYUNJIN! AND ALL THE BEAUTIFUL PLACES WE'VE BEEN THROUGH BUT I CAN'T SINCE I'M PERMANENTLY LOSING MY VISION " I huffed and puffed for air, my legs lose its strength causing me to fall down on my knees but Hyunjin didn't let go of me even a second.

I feel so embarrassed, my sniffles are the only thing we could hear, and the only thing breaking the silence sorrounding us.

"Is that the reason why you tried to shut me out earlier?" Hyunjin finally decided to speak.

I nodded as an answer I felt his lips touched my forehead before cupping my face.

"You know it's no use to shut me out right, because I'm just going to find you and scream your name over and over again, I promised you that I'll be your eyes Harmony, so if that is what's worrying you don't be, your vision is just a very small part of yourself, so don't lose hope ok? I love you"

I didn't know what to react his his words, I was still embarrassed from what happened earlier.

"I love you too" even though I replied with such short words compared to him, I know how much THEESE words mean to me and to Hyunjin also.


(a/N) : Sorry for a short chapter but I'll make it up in the following ones love you <3


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