C h a p t e r ♪ 7

898 44 5

c h a p t e r 7

f a t e


I could hear people murmuring things as I walked passed them, tch hello? I'm just blind my eyes aren't working, but my ears can, I can hear all of the stuff they're talking about.

Whatever I don't them anyway, why do I even care.

After what seems like an hour I finally found the store, yeah that's right I don't know this town plus I'm blind.

"Where can I find the women's section?" I tried to ask for directions.

"Did you made any reservations ma'am?" huh why would I make reservations to a clothing store?

"Umm not exactly but--"

"Then I'm afraid you can't enter ma'am sorry" he said.

"She's with me" that voice, it seems familiar, it's that creepy perv.

"oh sorry sir you may go in" the guy said and pervy lead the way holding my hand the whole time.

He didn't said a word, and just walked, I don't know why it's taking so long but I'm still confused to why do I need a reservation to buy clothes?  Is that a thing now.

"Sit here" He said and I could hear the chair he pulled out realizing it's for me, I quickly reacted and sat on the chair behind me and I could also feel him sat infront of me.

What the hell what kind of clothing store did I go to?

"Um I'm sorry of I caused trouble I was just having a hard time trying to find the clothing store" I said to break the silence sorrounding the both of us.

"This isn't a clothing store it's a restaurant" ohhh that's why, but that guy I asked directions said it would be here, shish I guess I was tricked.

"Oh really I guess I should get going then" I was embarrassed and quickly ran out of the restaurant, I managed to get out of there and got home.


"Really you did that?" granny said as she laughed and took a bite, I could tell because I can hear her utensils.

"Ugh stop it I was already so embarrassed, I didn't know how did I got out there safely, I'm never going out again on my own" I said.

"So what's his name?" I immediately spit my drink and thankfully it didn't landed on granny's face.

"I didn't asked but I just call him perv since that what he really is" I said trying to clean up the mess that I made.

"Well you should not judge him, plus he saved you from that situation earlier maybe he still cares" granny said.

"Care? About me? Nah it's been a couple of week since he stopped yelling infront of our house so early in the morning." I could hear granny's giggle.

"He stopped because you keep pushing him away plus you still haven't said sorry to him, maybe that's the reason he didn't come back anymore." is granny taking his side? Or guilt tripping me?.


I woke to another boring day I tried to be productive but nah its hela tiring, I've been thinking about going back to music from time to time but it still hurts I don't think I can handle it yet, dad wherever you are I hope you can give me a sign.

I got outside the house and sat on our porch, am I actually waiting for him to show up? Nah I just come here to relax I've been relaxing here way before he barged in to my life.

I started to feel dizzy again like this feeling seemed familiar and indeed it was this was the same feeling I felt before I lose my vision.

I was Ffeeling lightheaded and weak and having the sensation of spinning and with that I blacked out.


Two weeks I've here in the hospital for two weeks straight they said my condition was getting worse and worse day by day they recommended that staying here was the best option because I might not take my pills again nor relax.

And they were right I haven't been taking my pills, what the point summer is already half way I still don't know how can I go to school with this condition.

Staying here was twice the boredom than granny's house, there I can still walk and go outside but here it makes me sick staying in bed all day plus I hate the smell if the hospital it's making me 2x more depressed than I already am.


One normal day the doctors gave me my lunch and I notice a rectangular thing next to it with buttons I think it was a recorder maybe granny bought it, I pressed the first button and it started playing a recorded message.

"Sorry if I just showed up now, how are you? I heard about your condition and I know you can get trough it because your Harmony, I honestly thought that you hated me because we didn't get the chance to meet in person but I hope for your fast recovery... Plus I like sticky more than my actual name now"

A tear fell in the corners of my eye like I've been waiting for this for so long, but how did he know that I'm here? I didn't really told anyone about it even Jane.

The record player became the shoulder I leaned on through out my stay here in the hospital I played voice message over and over again until I can memorize it.

I started to record messages to him even though I know he might not hear it, but I used it kinda like a diary to record how my day was and the struggles I'm facing the whole time I was in the hospital.


Hwang Hyunjin ♫ Sticky NotesWhere stories live. Discover now