C h a p t e r ♪ 21

672 42 15

c h a p t e r  2 1

a    s t o r y   w i t h   y o u


I got out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped around my hair, and got changed for out beach walk later.

"Hyunjin your turn" I shouted.

"OK, I'll be quick, then we'll go out once I'm done OK? you can relax a little bit since you're little tired from the trip" Hyunjin.

I found the bed and just immediately jumped to it, I can't believe I'm with an overnight trip with Hwang Hyunjin right now, sounds unreal.

Even I didn't imagine my relationship with Hyunjin would go this far, I thought he was just another person in my life that will come and go, I hope he'll stay forever.

"Harmie, I forgot my shampoo can you get it? It's just in the bed inside my bag in the second pocket!" He shouted.

"OK just a minute" since I'm already here lying in the bed it didn't took me to long to find it.

I was supposed to look for his shampoo but I felt something else, I'm pretty sure it's a pill container and I'm sure there's plenty of it maybe 4 or 5. I S Hyunjin sick or something I don't recall him saying something lime that to me.

I immediately closed it and opened the second pocket and luckily I found the shampoo bottle Hyunjin was looking for, I gently knocked on the door signaling him that I put the bottle outside.

"Thanks boo" he said, OK let's not be negative, I'll enjoy this trip no matter what.


"They said doing things like is romantic, do you feel romantic?" Hyunjin said, were both now walking by the beach while he's telling me about himself since to be honest I just focused a little too much about myself and didn't let Hyunjin to open up to me, I just know that his parents died that's it.

He gripped both my hands making me walk first like you know, helping a baby how to walk since we both know that I'm like a worm next to Hyunjin, he has been blessed with a height like that.

"Yeah, this is kind of romantic" I replied hearing the sound of only the waves crashing to the shore and the soft breeze.

But I still can't get over the fact if what I felt earlier was medicine containers. I need to ask just to be sure for me not to jump to conclusions.

"Hyunjin can I ask you something if you don't mind?"

"Sure, what's it about?"

"While looking for your shampoo earlier, correct me if I'm wrong but we're those medicine containers?"

"Whaa- of course not those were just gum I brought earlier do you remember?" Yes he did bought gum earlier, phew I thought it was something serious, I feel so much better now.

"Yeah I remember, come on let's continue our date" I giggled.


"Harmie, do you believe that all the people that died are now stars to look after their love ones?" I can't imagine Hyunjin saying those things, it's kinda deep and cute at the same time.

"Yeah of course my mom would tell stories about something like that"

"Do you believe that our parents may be there together looking after us right now?" Hyunjin

"Well wherever dad is I always try to communicate with him, you know just talking to plain air but surprisingly all the things I'm telling him, he always gives me an answer."

"Like what?" Hyunjin

"One time I said that if he's gonna leave just like atleast give me a replacement of him and the next day I meet you, soo who knows" I said

We- I meant Hyunjin is now stargazing while I'm just here trying to imagine what the sky looks like right now.

We took a thick blanket and gently placed it in the sand so we could get a better view of the sky.
We both lie down and I place my head in Hyunjin's stomach.



"I'll never leave you ok?" is it just me or  are we getting to emotional right now?

"Me too, to you"

"By the way, why are even stargazing, it's not like I'll see them anyways" I said.

"Well to be fair I'll close my eyes, let's picture a deep blue sky with all the stars sparkling like diamonds, do you see it? Hyunjin

"Yeah, I can, sort of" doing that made me feel a little better, it's like I can see it but I don't? Does that makes sense to you? Well that's what I felt during the whole night.

We didn't even realize that we spent the night sleeping there, since it was just right outside of our cabin room.


"Hyunjin if I'll drown ill you with me!" I said and just paddling one of those bicycles for water, I think.

"Don't worry we life vests on you'll probably just float of you fall"

"Harmiee, look those corals look pretty, I haven't seen them that colorful before."

"Yeah I could totally see them"

"Oh I forgot, you know you could totally fool people, you really don't look like you can't see"

"Yeah yeah very funny."

We just spent our day in that bicycle floater exploring corals, and talked to each other one thing is for sure Hyunjin rode the whole with him not letting go of my hands, he has this habit of his about holding hands idk.


After that we went to a sky ride cable car which usually I would be afraid of but today I wasn't.

It was pretty relaxing  I just layed head in Hyunjin's shoulder the whole ride, it would be 2x better if I could see the view with him though.

We spent our trip just like that.


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