Chapter ~8~

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Kagome's POV

I gripped Inuyasha's neck as he carried me. Tears were clouding my visions and I did nothing to stop them. I know that Inuyasha loves me, and I know he wants to protect me and I want to protect him. But I have to give Inuyasha the chance to enjoy himself while I am still here and not be sad and depressed. Inuyasha kissed my cheeks, nuzzling my hair, a silent gesture saying that he loves me. I nuzzle him back, enjoying his warmth.

I must have fallen asleep because I wake up to hear Shippo yelling for me.

For his mama.

Inuyasha set me down just in time to have Shippo leap into my arms, crying into my neck. I just hugged him tightly stroking his hair, murmuring that everything was alright.

"Mama why did you leave me and Papa?" Tears fell down his cheeks.

I just shook my head, hugging him tighter. A river of tears of my cheeks.

"Shippo, I don't think Mama wants to talk about that right now. She's a little sad, why don't you bring her the gift you made for her," Inuyasha says, his eyes like burning embers.

Shippo nodded, and hopped inside Kaede's hut.

"Kagome, it will be alright. I promise," he sounds like he is trying to reassure himself and me.

"Here Mama, I made these for you," Shippo says holding, up a couple of papers. His tears were gone.

I sat down and pulled Shippo into my lap so we could look at the papers together. Inuyasha sat down beside us, wrapping is arm around my waist.

The first picture was a family of dinosaurs, one red, one green, one orange.

"This one is Papa," he pointed to the red one. "This one is you Mama," Shippo pointed to the green one. "And this one is me," he pointed to the orange one.

The next picture was of a vase of flowers. All different colours.

The last picture was of a baby rabbit with brown fur.

"Aww Shippo they are very beautiful," I saw, I fold them and place them inside my robe of the fire rat.

Mama, can we take a nap," Shippo asked, rubbing his eyes with his tiny fists.

"Sure baby," I say picking him up and walking into the hut. Inuyasha followed.

I layed down, Inuyasha on one side, Shippo on the other, and let sleep consume me.

****Beware a little mature part coming up (Not a Lemon, I repeat... Not a Lemon)****

I woke up to having Inuyasha kissing my neck, I moaned stretching my neck to give him more access. Inuyasha nipped at my spot where my neck and shoulder meet.

"This where I'll mark you," Inuyasha says, nipped at the spot again.

"What do you mean Inuyasha?" I ask, wrapping my arms around him, chills were running up and down my spine.

"When we mate, I will mark you and everyone will know that you are mine, and you can mark me too so that everyone knows I am yours," he whispers, continuing to kiss up my neck to my lips.

I kissed back eagerly, my arms tightening around him. I want to stay in this moment. Just me and Inuyasha together wrapped in a cacoon of warmth and love.

But in the back of my mind the thought passes that the darkness is consuming me and everyone will be in danger.

No, Kagome don't think that just enjoy the moment. So I do.

My tongue enters Inuyasha mouth and they dance together. Inuyasha hands run down my sides and land on my hips, tightening. He straddles my hips and looks down at me, eyes full of love.

His hand reaches up and travels towards my breast. Inuyasha's eyes were asking if it was okay. His hand was about to touch my breast when...

"Hey Inuyash... AHH. I'm sorry, I'll just be going now," Sango had walked in.

****Little mature part over****

My face turned fifty shades of crimson as I looked from the door to Inuyasha. Inuyasha cheeks had a light blush. Inuyasha unstraddled my waist and set beside me. I sat up and looked down at my lap.

"Well that was a little awkward," I say.

"Yeah," Inuyasha says looking at me.

"Kagome when this is all over, do you want to live in this time or in your time?" Inuyasha asks out of no where.

"Well I was hoping that I could stay here with you," I say, looking at him. His shoulders sagged in relief. "Why are you asking me this Inuyasha?"

"I was worried that after we defeat Naraku and reassemble the jewel, that you would go back to your time," Inuyasha says, his ears pressed flat to his head.

"Inuyasha, how could you think that? I love you more then anything in the world. When all this is over me and you are going to start a family. We are going to have children and live in a hut of our own," I say straddling his lap pressing my hands to his chest.

"Really?" Inuyasha asks.

"Really. You promised nothing was going to happen to me, so nothing is going to. So after all of this chaos is done, we will start out family," I say kissing his nose.

"Okay, we'll start a family after all of this," Inuyasha kissed my lips and I smiled.

I just hope I can have that future.

~~Author's Note~~(IMPORTANT)

Hello my hanyous, this chapter was more of a filler, I hope to update once a day for the next couple of days. I hoped you like this chapter. I am planning to have Kagome and Inuyasha mate. Please comment or imbox me telling me if you want a lemon on that chapter or if you want me to publish a oneshot. So continue reading and....

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