Chapter ~22~

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Inuyasha's POV

I continue to run towards Naraku's castle, Shippo on my shoulder. We were going to save Kagome no matter what. Through our mate bond I can feel her slipping away. No Kagome hold on Shippo and I are coming, I think, begging Kagome to hold on. Doru is flying above us consuming more and more miasma, as it seeps out of all the windows and doors of the castle.

We made it to the castle and the amount of miasma, increased as it exploded around us. I put a barrier around us with my Tessaiga. Doru absorbs it all and it seems to be making her stronger and stronger. For an eight year old she has a lot of talents.

"Come on everyone, do not get separated. We need to find Kagome quickly," I say and begin to run into Naraku's castle.

"Inuyasha, I can't sense Kagome's presence anywhere," Miroku says as he runs beside me.

"I know, me either, she is slipping away and fast, we need to hurry," I say running down a random corridor, checking every room.

Kagome, please hold on. You have been fighting for so long and I know that you are probably tired of fighting and just want to give up but Kagome you can't give up because if you give up, you are giving up on me and you are giving up on Shippo, so please Kagome, don't give up!! I think and run faster.

"Inuyasha this isn't working, we arr running out of time. If we split up we can cover more ground," Sango says. 

"I know. Sango, Miroku stay together. Take Doru and Shippo with you," I say and start to grab Shippo.

"No Papa, I am staying with you. You said that I could and that you would protect me. I have to be with you in order for you to protect you. And I want to save Mama. With you," Shippo says, puffing his chest out. Since when was he no longer a scardy cat?

"Fine, you can come with me," I say placing him back on my shoulder.

"We'll go this way," Miroku pointed in the corridor to the left. "You go that way," he points to the right. I nod and turn around.

"Be safe, we are all going to make out of this alive," I say and begin to run.

I don't know how long we had been running for checking every door we saw. None held Kagome in them.

"Inuyasha, if you want to see your mate find me..." Naraku's voice sounded through the corridors.

"Naraku where are you keeping her," I yell and start to run.

"Shippo don't you want your real Mama back," Naraku says.

"Shippo don't listen, Kagome's your Mama know and will be until the end of time. Just like I am your Papa," I say and hug him to my chest.

"Inuyasha, you know that Kagome, has slipped away into the darkness, she will kill you, and when she does I will make her watch you take you last breath. And when you are dead, I will take Kagome as my mate," he says his voice echoing. I have to find him.

"You b@$tard you will not touch Kagome," I yell and break through a large door.

There inside stood Naraku, his miasma surrounding him. He looked weak. He looked at me and smirked.

"Well, well if it isn't Inuyasha," he says.

"Naraku, I swear if you have hurt Kagome in any way, I'll..." he cut me off.

"You'll what?" he asks.

Before I reply I sense something. I sense her. Kagome.

Kagome's POV

I watch as Inuyasha turns and stares at me. My body moves on its own. I feel my arms move up on their own, a bow is in my hands and arrow notched ready to shoot. No, Inuyasha, get away. I can't control myself. I think weakly.

"Kagome, I know this isn't your doing, I know that you don't want to hurt me," Inuyasha says and takes a step foreward. NO stay away!!

"Mama, please it's time to go home," my son says. Oh my son, no not you too.

I try to lower my arms and they begin to shake.

"Why don't you just give up?" Naraku says.

"Kagome, I know you have been fighting for so long. I know you must be tired. But you need to keep fighting, just for a little while longer," Inuyasha says, his eyebrows are furrowed.

"Shoot him, Kagome. Shoot him. He chose Kikyou over you. All those times that he ran off to see her. Didn't you just want to kill Kikyou? And you did. You killed her, why don't you kill Inuyasha as well," a voice whispers in my head.

No Inuyasha's with me, he's my mate he would never leave me. I think. My arms stop shaking and they stay still.

"Kagome, don't believe what he is saying, please," Inuyasha says.

"Mama, please. I love you Mama. You have to keep fighting," Shippo says. His eyes have tears in them.

"Kagome, if you give up now, you're giving up on me, on Shippo, and on the future we are supposed to have," he says. "Don't you want to have a child? Don't you want Shippo to have a brother and sister to play with?"

"Inuyasha," I manage to say.

"Yes, come on Kagome you can do it," he encourages.

"No, wench you will listen to me," Naraku yell. "Shoot him!!"

No, Inuyasha has told me I need to keep fighting. We are going to start a family. I want Shippo to have a brother or sister. I love Inuyasha and nothing is going to make me stop loving him. I lower the bow, I turn to Naraku.

"Kagome, do as I say," he shoots darkness out of his hands and it surrounds me. Oh no, he consumed Ankoku.

"Naraku, let her go," Inuyasha yells.

"No, she will kill you, and become my mate. She is a replacement for the first women you took from me. Kikyou," he yells and lifts me in the air.

"I am not a replacement. I. Am. Not. A. Replacement. I am Kagome. KAGOME!!" I yell and a pink light explodes from my chest.

Naraku yells. His body start to disintegrate.The purification light consumes him, consumes the evil he had become. I know that there will always be evil in the world. There will always be a darkness in the world, but if Inuyasha is by my side I can defeat it because there will always be good in the world. I feel my self begin to fall.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha yells as he leaps up and catches me.

He lands and holds me to his chest, his eyebrows are furrowed with worry.

I reach up weakly and poke him in between the eyebrows. "Your face is going to stay like that," I whisper and I pass out, the heavy blanket called sleep consumes me.  

~~Author's Note~~

Hello my hanyous, I am forry for any grammatical mistakes. Did you like the chapter? If you did COMMENT!! VOTE!! SHARE!! FOLLOW!! AND CONTINUE TO READ!!

~~BrilliantCrescent    :>

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