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"Inuyana, please be careful," I beg as I watch her climb the big tree.

"Mama I'm fine," she yells and continues to climb, brushing her silver hair out of her face occasionally.

For a five year old she sure knows how to climb. She gets it from her father. I rub my hand over eyes and place a hand on my swollen stomach.

"I just hope that you aren't as hard as your sister," I say and rub a hand over my stomach. I receive a kick in return. I smile and look worriedly up at my daughter.

Inuyana likes to watch the sunset at the top of the trees. Inuyasha started that habit when she was a baby. He would climb to the top of a tree and watch the sunset in order to calm her.

Once I saw her safely perched on a branch I lean heavily on the trunk of the tree. My back is killing me and I could feel a headache coming on. I smelt Inuyasha near by he must be back with dinner.

"Mama, we're back," Shippo who is now eleven says.

"Kagome, what are you doing out here all alone?" Inuyasha says, a couple of rabbits on his shoulder.

"Inuyana had to watch the sunset," I say and walk over to them. I give Shippo a kiss on the forehead and Inuyasha a peck on the lips.

"Kagome, I said wait for me to get home and I would take her. You know I don't like you out here alone," Inuyasha says and places a hand on my stomach, rubbing his thumb in a circular motion. Inuyasha is always so over protective,

"But, you were running late," I tease and flick him on the nose.

"Papa," Inuyana yells and jumps down from branch to branch, quicker then I would care to admit.

"Hey sweetie," Inuyasha says and picks her up.

I smile and grab Shippo's hand and begin to walk back home. Inuyasha with the help of some villagers built us a hut that has three rooms. Enough room for now. Inuyasha was keeping his promise of us having a family and I couldn't be happier.

After dinner Shippo and Inuyana were asleep and Inuyasha laid on the ground, his head resting on my stomach. He did this every night. Listening to our baby move in my stomach and talk to him/her.

"Hi baby, Mama and me can't wait for you to come. Neither can your sister Inuyana and your brother Shippo," Inuyasha says and kisses my stomach.

I smile and run my hand through his hair.

"Kaede said that it could be any day know," I say.

"Good, I'm tired of waiting," Inuyasha says and leans up kissing me intently.

"Me too," I say with a yawn.

"Sleep my mate, I know you're tired," Inuyasha's says and wraps his arms around me, his hands placed on my stomach.

The next day Inuyasha and Miroku had to leave in order to help a neighbouring village with some demon. I had been experiencing, pains every so minutes and know they are closer and closer. I walked to Kaede's after asking Sango to watch, Inuyana and Shippo.

"Kagome, I think ye are going into labour," Kaede says.

I feel wetness between my legs and Kaede smiles down at me.

"Kagome, ye are in labour, know lets have a baby," she smiles.

After hours of pain and pushing, I finally have my son in my arms. Inuyasha and I had chose the name Natsuki if it was a boy. His head has soft black tresses on top. He was now sleeping after I fed him and I can't wait until Inuyasha comes home for his surprise. Shippo and Inuyana had come and they were so excited to see them.

I heard the curtain swish open, I turned and saw Inuyasha his face was shocked.

"Come meet Natsuki," I smile.

He walks over and kneels down. He gently grabs Natsuki and lifts him to his chest. He smiles and runs a hand over his head.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here," Inuyasha says.

"It's alright," I say and place my hand on his leg.

He smiles and lays Natsuki in between myself and him. I just smile and let the heavy blanket of tiredness fall over me. I am just glad that I could have this life, I am glad I fell through the well.

~~Author's Note~~

Hello my hanyous, while that was the last chapter. I hope you all read my next book My Alpha Bryson. I will post a preview.


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