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My name is Kagome Higurashi. I'm sixteen years old and have light brown hair that falls half way down my back. I'm the reincarnation of the late priestess Kikyo. At the age of fifteen I developed the ability to travel five hundred years in the past to fuedal japan. The Shikon jewel that was inside my body allowed me to do this. The old abandoned well at my family's shine connects me to that world. This new found ability allows me to travel around a world where demon lurk around every corner. The Shikon jewel shattered and know me and my friends travel around the world to search for them so that we can assemble the jewel. My friends that accompany me on my journey are...

Inuyasha the hot headed half demon with a bad temper, but also a sweet and sensitive side. Even with his bad temper I still love him, yeah you heard me right, I am in love with my best friend. His long silver hair clashes with his red fire rat kimono, his eyes are the finest shade of golden amber. His puppy like ears that are perched on the top of his head are the cutest thing in the world. His claws replace a humans finger and toe nails. Inuyasha dreams of becoming a full demon and he needs the whole Shikon jewel to become a full demon. He was pinned to the Goshinboku to a tree for fifty years, by his former lover Kikyo, until I released him from his death like stage. The new moon is the worst night for Inuyasha, because the night without a moon is the night where Inuyasha turns human. He loses all his demon like powers and strength, his keen senses, and his claws.

Sango is a beautiful demon slayer that has gone through many tragedies. Her whole village was slaughterd by her brother who was being controlled by Naraku. Without knowing he was evil, Sango was sent by him to kill Inuyasha but later joined our side to defeat Naraku and assemble the Shikon jewel. Kirara (pronounced Kilala) is Sango's two tailed cat demon. Sango also as a weapon the shape of a giant boomarang called Hiraikotsu. Sango has many amazing talents when it comes to fighting demons. Sango has brown hair and brown eyes. Sango is secretly in love with Miroku, and usually become angry and sad when he uses his lecherous ways on other women.

Miroku the perverted monk. The most common thing you will hear him say is "would you do me the honor of bearing my children?" He does this because he wants his first son to live without the wind tunnel, the curse Naraku placed on Miroku's family. But if he dies without a son that ill not happen. Miroku is also secretly in love with Sango and often flirts with her by touching her butt. Miroku has brown hair that is held in a small, low ponytail. He often makes Inuyasha mad and ends up with a bump on the head and when he touches Sango on the butt he ends up the a bright red hand mark on his face.

Shippo is a fox demon kit. His parents were killed by the thunder brothers and was taken in by Kagome. His fiery red hair and green eyes ar eth emost adorable thing in the world, and he enjoys candy that I bring back from the future.Shippo is around the age of six or seven and I see him as a son to me. Shippo always has a smile on his face and tries to put on a brave face whenever we fight demons. He uses his fox magic to fight and transform when needed. He enjoys playing games and usually argues with Inuyasha.

Those are my friends and here is our story.

~~Author's Note~~

This story is being rewritten from my other account (wannabea-writer).I hope you enjoyed it.

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