Chapter ~19~

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I scream as another wave of pain passes through my body. We had begun purifying the darkness inside my body about an hour ago. It wasn't painful at first but within ten minutes became excruciatingly painful and I was screaming. Inuyasha had asked Sango and Miroku to take Shippo away so he didn't have to see me like this. Inuyasha sat next to me, holding my hand and stroking my hair.

My back arched as another wave of pain went through my body, my mouth open in a silent scream. Inuyasha looked down at me worried and I gave him a reassuring smile before screaming in pain again. Tears had been falling from my eyes for a long time.

"Isn't there something you can give to her that will help the pain?" Inuyasha asked Priestess Kiori as she stopped the treatment she was giving me.

"No and I have some bad news," she says and sits down.

"What is it Lady Kiori?" I ask nervously and I look at Inuyasha.

"I am not able to purify all the darkness inside your body," Lady Kiori says.

"But, how is this possible?" I gasp and grip Inuyasha's hand tightly.

"I have been able to purify half of the darkness, but once I purified the amount I could there was a barrier of sorts that has cause it impossible to purify," she says sadly and pats each of us on the shoulder before walking to the other side of the cave.

Inuyasha picks me up and walks out of the cave. He walks into the forest and leans against a tree, still holding me tightly and not saying a word. I open my mouth to say something, anything but nothing comes out. I just hug him tightly, tears coming to my eyes. Why is this happening to me? Why is this happening to us?

"Inuyasha, I'm sorry. I know that I am being so troublesome for you," I say and peek at him through my lashes.

"Kagome, no you are not being troublesome at all we are going to figure this out together," Inuyasha says and placed a hand on my cheek.

Stupid Ankoku and Naraku why the hell couldn't they leave us alone, I think angrily. A thought popped into my head.

"Inuyasha you remember how Lady Kiori said there was like a barrier that is preventing her from purifying the darkness?" I continue when he nods. "Then wouldn't the only way to get the barrier down is to kill Ankoku?"

"Oh my Kami, Kagome you are a genius," Inuyasha says and hugs me tightly.

I just giggle and hug him tightly. I lean up and kiss him. I just smile, knowing that there is a way that I can still beat the darkness.

A dark laughs sounds through the forest and I freeze. I know that laugh, it belongs to the darkness, to Ankoku. I turn and notice Ankoku walking out from the tree.

"Bravo, Kagome you learned the one and only way that you can defeat the darkness. But there is nothing to worry about because there is no way you can defeat me or the darkness," he sneers.

"We will defeat you, you b@$t@rd." Inuaysha yells, standing in front of me and pulling out his sword. "Wind Scar!!"

Inuyasha releases his Wind Scar. Ankoku jumps out of the way. He just laughs and raises his hand, strands of darkness grab Inuyasha and lift him in the air.

"Kagome, if you come with me know, I will let Inuyasha live. But if you don't i will not hesitate to kill him," Ankoku says and slowly begins to close his fist. Inuyasha begins to scream in pain.

"No, no I'll go with you just don't hurt Inuyasha," I yell, slowly walking towards him.

"No Kagome, you can't," Inuyasha yells.

"Come on, Kagome. You want Inuyasha to live don't you. Also I have heard that you have an adopted son. What was his name again? Oh, yes Shippo," Ankoku says, his eyes flickering with seriousness.

"You will not touch my son," I growl. "You will not hurt Inuyasha either. I'll come with you."

"Kagome no, don't do it," Inuyasha yells.

"I'm sorry Inuyasha, I have to do it," I say and walk to Ankoku. "I love you, Inuyasha, I always have and always will. I just hope one day you can forgive me."

"Aww isn't this sweet," Ankoku says sarcastically and grabs my arm roughly.

"Kagome no," Inuyasha yells.

"It's to late half breed, she has made her decision," Ankoku sneers and the next thing I know my world goes black as I am surrounded my the darkness.

I must have passed out because all I wake up and I am chained to a wall. I try to get out but the chains are made out of iron and I can't break them. I must be in Naraku's castle, the dark aura around here is overwhelming and it makes me feel like I'm being choked.

"Sweet Kagome, I am so happy to have you here," Naraku says as he walks in.

"What do you want Naraku?" I snarl and start to thrash, trying to get out of the chains.

"Oh Kagome, you already know what I want. I want you help me destroy Inuyasha and your friends," he says and places a hand under my chin.

"I will never help you," I say ripping my chin away from his icy hands.

"Oh Kagome but you will, and after you have done your job of destroying them you will become my mate," he whispers the last part.

"Never, I will never become your mate," I yell, thrashing even more.

"We will see about that," he says and walks out of the door.

I start to cry. I will never become his mate. I will never hurt Inuyasha or Shippo or anybody else. I will not help him. I will do anything in my power to stop him.

~~Author's Note~~

Hello my hanyous, it was not a snow day. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes. Please continue to read and COMMENT!! VOTE!! SHARE!! FOLLOW!! AND WISH FOR MORE SNOW DAYS!!

~~BrilliantCrescent    :P

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