Chapter ~6~

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Waking up with a headache always sucked. But a least it  wasn't as bad as it was yesterday, when I passed out. Wait, where is Inuyasha? To my left Inuyasha slept, his arms crossed his mouth slightly open. I couldn't help but giggle at how cute he is. My giggle, must have woke up Inuyasha because his ear started to twitch and his eyes opened.

"Kagome are you alright?" His eyes frantic, searching my face.

I nodded, a dull ache throbbing in the back of my head.

"Are you sure?" Inuyasha placed a hand on my cheek.

"Yes Inuyasha I am alright," I say, placing my forehead to his.

"Thank goodness," he says, closing his eyes.

I smiled, I couldn't let Inuyasha worry, Ankoku is coming tomorrow, I couldn't let him.

"Mama," a small voice called from outside the door.

Shippo was standing at the door his eyes watering.

"Shippo," I say and open my arms.

"Mama," Shippo cried, running into my arms.

Shippo cried into my shoulder as I soothed him, rubbing his back. He must have been so worried, and if Shippo was this worried, how worried was Inuyasha? Tears came to my eyes. I worried everyone.

"Mama I made you something," Shippo says, sniffling.

"What did you make me?" I ask letting him down.

Shippo scampered over to the corner where his many colouring books I have brought him sat. He came over with a folded piece of paper in his hand.

"Here," he whispers handing it to me, jumping into Inuyasha's lap.

I unfolded it. Inside it was a messy but cute picture of myself, Inuyasha, and Shippo holding hands. At the top it says Get Well Soon, Mama.

"Papa, helped me spell the words," Shippo says,a shy smile growing on his adorable face.

"Really?" I ask, smiling at the thought of Inuyasha and Shippo making this card together.

"Mm-hmm," Shippo hummed.

"It's amazing," I smile.

I smiled at the picture, running my hand over it.

"Shippo, why don't you go pay with the village kids, I have to talk to Mama, okay?" Inuyasha asked softly, looking into Shippo's eyes.

"Okay Papa," Shippo says, hugging us before running to go play with the other kids.

Once he was gone, Inuyasha sat me in his lap, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. I knew Inuyasha was very worried, I could feel it. I just nuzzled my head against his, closing arms around him. I felt Inuyasha take a deep breath like she was taking in my scent. I soon found myself doing the same thing.

"Kagome, we have to talk," Inuyasha sounded scared and nervous."I know what is happening to you."

"Inuyasha," I say looking at him. "Tell me."

"You know when Ankoku stabbed you with my sword," he continued when I nodded. "Well he coated the blade with his darkness, and know since you are a half demon now your spiritual powers are not as strong. Meaning the darkness is devouring your spiritual powers and when that happens Naraku, Ankoku, anymore can possess you more easily."

"Oh my Kami," I gasp.

My spiritual powers are being devoured and when they are gone everyone will be in danger.

"Inuyasha, I have to leave." I say, standing up.

"No, Kagome you aren't going anywhere," Inuyasha says grabbing me, pulling my back to his chest.

"I have to,once my spirtual powers are devoured by the darkness, Naraku or Ankoku will come and possess me," I struggle to get out of his arms. "Everyone will be in danger. Everyone."

"No Kagome. I'm not going to let that happen, I promise," he says turning me around in his arms holding me tight. His lips crashed to mine.

I struggled to break free but eventually gave up and returned the kiss. No damn Inuyasha and his amazing kissing abilities. Inuyasha's tongue entered my mouth, dancing with mine. I moaned and gripped his shoulders.

Inuyasha why? I have to protect you I have to leave you know I do. I thought.

Inuyasha kissed down my neck, leaving red welts. I gasped a breathy moan.  

"I love you, Kagome. I will not allow you to be hurt or possessed. We will figure this out. Together." Inuyasha said hugging me tightly.  "I promise, I promise," he repeated as if reasuring me and himself.

"Okay Inuyasha," I say.

As the day went on, Inuyasha stayed close, always holding my hand or having a arm wrapped around me in some way. I didn't mind.

It was know time for bed and Inuyasha was laying beside me, his arms wrapped around me. His eyes were closed, mouth slightly open, and soft snores sounded once in a while. I unwrapped his arms sitting up. I looked down at him sadly, tears coming to my eyes. I kissed his forehead and stood up. I walked over to Shippo and kissed his forehead. Tears dripped down my face.

I'm sorry Inuyasha, I'm doing this for your protection. You always protected me and now I am going to protect you. Please forgive me. I thought, looking back at the love of my life before taking off into the forest and disappearing into the forest.

~~Authors's Note~~

Hello my hanyous, I hope you liked. I am sorry for the wait on the update, but  my first week back to school has been hard. I will try to update every week at least once. So please....





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