Chapter ~16~

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A week has passed since the incident in which my demon side took over. I had been three days when I would be in pain because of the darkness but I insisted that we keep moving, so Inuyasha gave me the herb that made me relax, and carried me, or I rode on Kirara back when I insisted Inuyasha needed a break from carrying me. Inuyasha burns had started to heal nicely but they still were fairly red.

Today was the fourth day in which I was in pain. Inuyasha was carrying me bridal style, I was gripping his shirt as he ran as fast as he could. We had ran out of Foxglove, and know we were searching for a shrine that would have some or know where we could get some.

I don't know how long we have been running for. Each second seems like a minute, each minute and hour, and an hour a day. I whimpered as flashes of pain, traveled from my head down my body. Everything hurt and the corner of my vision was turning black.

"Kagome just hold on okay, we'll get you some medicine soon," Inuyasha begs.

"I'm fine just keep going," I say, digging my hands into his shirt and putting my face in his chest to stifle my whimpers.

"Inuyasha there is a shrine just up ahead," Sango yells from on top of Kirara who is flying in the air.

"Did you hear that Kagome? We're going to get some herbs to help you," Inuyasha says I can hear the hopefulness in his voice. I can't answer just nod even though it gave me pain to do that.

A few minutes later, we reached the shrine. Sango jumped off of Kirara and pounded in the door.

"What can I help you with young lady?" I heard a voice of an old man.

"Please my friend is in pain, do you have any of the herb called Foxglove?" Sango say hurriedly.

"Yes please come in," the old man says.

Inuyasha rushes in and places me on the mat that the old man put out. He stayed by my side, holding my hand. I opened my eyes and smiled up at him. His eyes help concern, his eyebrows were furrowed. I flash of pain shot through my body and I arched my back, giving a short scream of pain.

"Shh, shh Kagome you're okay," Inuyasha says running his hand through my hair.

"Mama, you're going to be okay," Shippo says grabbing my hand.

"Of course Shippo, I love you baby," I say rubbing my hand through his hair.

"I love you too Mama," he says back. 

I close my eyes, trying to ignore the pain coursing through my body. I grip Inuyasha's hand tightly. The old man had given me the herb and it helped me relax but I still felt the pain, just not as much.

"Kagome, you go to sleep okay. You need the rest and I know Shippo and I will feel better if you are resting and getting better. Plus Shippo is looking tired," Inuyasha says and looks pointedly down at Shippo, who was falling asleep in his lap.

"Okay," I open my arms for Shippo and Inuyasha puts him in my arms. Shippo snuggles closer to me and I smile falling asleep.

Inuyasha' POV

I look down at Kagome sleeping, her arms wrapping around Shippo protectively. She had a slight fever, so I was running a cold wash cloth over her forehead in order to cool her down. She has been suffering so much, but still put the group before herself. She was extremely sick and even though I didn't want to admit it, Kagome was dying.

"Inuyasha can I talk to you for a second alone?" Miroku asks, walking into the room.

"Sure," I stood and walked over to Miroku. Once we were out of the room I asked, "What is it you need to talk to me about?"

"Inuyasha, Kagome aura is turning dark," Miroku says.

"What?" I ask shocked.

"The darkness has started to consume her soul," Miroku says and places his hand on my shoulder. "I know you don't want to hear this but I don't think it is going to be long until she is completely consumed."

"Thank you Miroku for telling me," I say and walk into the room again.

I sit next to Kagome, gripping her hands my head down. I knew this would be happening I didn't think it was going to happen so fast. I felt the tears start to come to my eyes and I didn't try to stop them. They cascaded down my cheeks as I clutched Kagome's hands and rest my forehead on them. I just let them fall, not caring who say or heard.

Kagome's my best friend, she's my mate. Kagome was destined to be with me and I was destined to be with her. We weren't supposed to be with anybody else. We are supposed to have a family, and live together forever. Kagome was.. no is my everything, my life, my soul mate.

I felt a small hand, Kagome's small hand, on my cheek, wiping my tears. Kagome had rolled over away from Shippo and towards me.

"Inuyasha, why are you crying?" Kagome whispered.

"Kagome," I hugged Kagome against me, my head in her neck. my tears splashed on her skin. Kagome just ran her hand through my hair.

"Inuyasha everything is going to be alright. I promise," Kagome say into my ear. "I love you and that is all that matters. I'll get through this."

"Kagome, I love you so much. You're my mate, you have to get through this for me, for Shippo, for Sango and Miroku and Doru and everyone else in your life," I say looking into her eyes.

She nodded and rose her head to give me a chaste kiss. But some reason I felt like Kagome was saying goodbye not saying that she was going to make it.

~~Author's Note~~

Hello my hanyous, I am so happy today was a snow day and every school that is in my area is closes. If anybody likes to read werewolf stories I will be writing a new story called My Alpha Bryson, I hope all of you read it. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes. Please continue to read and... COMMENT!! VOTE!! SHARE!! FOLLOW!! AND WISH FOR MORE SNOW DAYS!!

~~BrilliantCrescent    :D

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