Chapter ~3~

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Walking out of Kaede's hut, I smelled three people heading towards us. A fox demon, and two humans. The smelled of candy, cherry blossoms, and spearmint. As we walked further and further the scents became stronger. The travellers came into view and I realized it was Sango, Miroku, and Shippo. Shippo smelled like candy, probably due to all the candy he eats. Sango smelled like cherry blossoms. Miroku smelled like spearmint. Sango seemed to see me first and came running. She hugged me tightly.

"Oh Kagome, I am so glad you are alright," she said, her voice thick, and I could smell the scent of salty water.

"Aww, Sango don't cry, or I am going to cry," I said tears comign to my eyes.

She continued to cry and I cried with her, hugging her tightly.

Something jumped on my shoulders, looking over I saw that it was Shippo. Shippo had tears in his eyes but I knew they were from happiness. I unhooked my left arm and hugged Shippo. Sango ans Shippo continued to blubber about how they were so glad that I was okay. They finally let go of me, but Shippo remained on my shoulder which was okay to me. Shippo was always like a son to me. I waved to Miroku and he waved back, a smile on his face. Inuyasha pulled my back towards his chest.

"You are looking better Kagome," Miroku said.

"I am feeling better," I said, smiling

"Kagome are you going to be able to stay with us forever?" Shippo asked, his big emerald coloured eyes sparkling.

"Yes, I will be able to stay, and I will take care of you," I said grabbing Shippo holding him to my chest, his head resting on my shoulder.

"So you will be my new mama, and Inuyasha will my new papa?" Shippo asked, his voice soft.

"Yes Shippo, we are your new mama and papa," I whispered, hugging him tighter.

"Yeah squirt, we'll take care of you now," Inuyasha said, rubbing Shippos head.

"Oh mama," Shippo cried happily hugging me.

"Let's go to the hot spring shall we," I said. "Sango you coming with?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied turning to Miroku, I turned to Inuyasha. We were probably going to say the exact same thing from.

"Don't follow us, and don't even think about spying on us," I said firmly. I kissed his cheek and started walking toward the hot spring.

When we made it to the hot spring, Sango helped me un-bandage my chest, and then we started chatting. Shippo being the cutie he is, was splashing away in the water.

"So, Sango is anything going on with you and Miroku?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"No, but when you were you know dead, he comforted me," she said a blush spreading on her cheeks. "But when Inuyasha sent us to go hunting for more jewel shards, he just flirted with girls and touched there butts, sometimes it just make me angry."

"Aww, Sango don't worry, I'm sure Miroku feels the same way about you as you feel towards him." I said reassuringly, putting my arm around her shoulders.

"Mama, watch me!" Shippo exclaimed.

He stood on a one of the big rocks that surrounded the hot spring. Oh no, what is he doing?

"Shippo be careful," I exclaimed.

"It's okay, mama," he yelled back, jumping off the rock.

He jumped in the air, and came crashing into the water doing a cannon ball. He stayed under water for a little bit, a little too long. Oh no, why isn't he coming up? He came splashing out of the water.

"Ta-da," he screamed. "Mama was that good?" he asked smiling brightly, swimming over.

"Yes Shippo that was good," I said hugging him, taking in a deep breath. "Kay Shippo, time to wash your hair," I said, grabbing the shampoo I had brought.

Squeezing some into my hand I placed on Shippo's hair and rubbed it in. I told him to dunk and he did getting all the bubbles and shampoo out. I washed my hair and gave some to Sango who did the same. After washing up, Sango re-bandaged my chest, and we got dressed. We walked back to Kaede's and I saw she was making soup.

"Hmm, Kaede it smells so good," I said, sitting down.

"Thank ye, Kagome," she replied.

"Where are Inuyasha and Miroku?" I asked.

"They went hunting," she said stirring the soup. I noodded.

About 15 minutes later Inuyasha and Miroku came back, Inuyasha had a wild boar on his shoulder. After Inuyasha put down the boar, he walked over to me and Shippo, kissing my head and rubbing his hand in Shippo's hair. I smiled up at him.

Inuyasha skinned the boar, outside and then we grilled the meat. The soup was delicious and with the meat, it was one of the best dinners ever.

Shortly after dinner, Shippo fell asleep in my lap and me and Inuyasha tucked him in. I lay beside him and Inuyasha sits beside us.

"Tomorrow, we are going to start your training," Inuyasha said grabbing my hand and rubbed my knuckles.

"Okay," I replied my eyes slowly becoming droopy.

"I love you Kagome, goodnight," Inuyasha whispered leaning down to give me a kiss.

"I love you too, goodnight," I whispered back, my eyes sliding shut and I fell into the world of dreams.

~~Author's note~~

Wow, two updates in one day, I'm so happy. I hope you enjoyed.

Who wants and Inuyasha POV?

I hope to update soon.





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