Chapter ~23~

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Inuyasha's POV

Kagome weakly reached up and poked my in between the eyebrows. "Your face is going to stay that way," she whispers passing out. When she says that a memory from after she ran away comes to mind.

"Your face is going to stay like that if you continue to keep it like that," Kagome says poking me between the eyes. "Also you head is going to explode if you keep thinking so hard."

"Haha very funny Kagome," I pull her towards me, so that she is straddling me.

"What are you thinking about?" Her head tilts to the side on it's own. She looks like a confused puppy.

"I was just think about you and how cute you look," I say, rubbing her ears.

"Mmmm," Kagome purrs, closing her eyes.

"Kagome, oh Kagome. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," I whisper hugging her to my chest, tears seeping out of my eyes. All the pain that Kagome went through, it was all over know.

"Mama wake up, Mama," Shippo says and jumps on her shoulder gently.

"Shippo, Mama just needs a little rest okay. But look she's alive and when she wakes up she is going to be so happy that all this is over," I say and hug Shippo and Kagome close to me.

The walls of the castle begin to shake and crumple. Oh no, the castle is collapsing. I quickly put Shippo on my shoulder telling him to hold on tight, before picking up Kagome bridal style. I run through the corridors, following mine and Shippo's scent. We make it to the smashed in door and run out. Minutes later the castle was no more.

"Papa, where are Sango, Miroku, and Doru?" Shippo asked.

Oh no. I look around for them, there is no one near us. They must be, in the now, collapsed castle. I run towards the castle and start trying to find their scents. I follow their scent, they are on the north-west wing of the castle. When we get there, Doru is laying under a big chunk of the castle's roof. Under her are Sango and Miroku. She protected them. They were stuck under her.

"Inuyasha help Doru," Sango yells to me. I nod.

I set Kagome on a flat piece of roofing, before turning to Shippo. "Shippo, make sure Mama, doesn't get hurt," I say before jumping in the air.

I jump in the air before landing lightly on Doru's back. "Iron Reaver Soul Stealer," I yell and the piece of roof on top of Doru shatters.

I run to Kagome before picking her up. Doru stood up and stretched her fairly large wings.

"Doru, you're okay," Shippo yells and jumps onto her snout, "hugging" her.

"Inuyasha, how is Kagome?" Sango says as she limps over to us, Miroku in tow who is staring at his right hand in awe.

"She should be fine, she passed out after her purification powers overcame the darkness," I say and brush some hair off her face.

"We need to get back to Keade's I can already tell she hasn't been feed much and she needs some nourishment," Miroku says, and placed a hand on her forehead. "She has a fever."

Doru roars behind us and crouches down, signalling with her head, for us to get on.

"Papa come on, it's time to go home," Shippo yells from his place on top of Doru's head.

We all climb on and Doru starts flying towards Kaede's village. Towards our future.

Kagome's POV

"Mama, I know that you must be tired. After all that time you were fighting, you must just want to sleep, but Mama, I want to see your eyes open and I want to see you smile," I hear Shippo start to cry.

I open my eyes and turn to see, him crying into his hands. I bring my hand up and place it on his head. He looks up shocked.

"Hi baby," I whisper, smiling at him.

"Mama," he jumps up and buries his head into my neck crying.

"Shh, shh baby, Mama's here. I'm here," I say running my hands through his hair.

He just continues to cry into my shoulder, murmuring Mama. I slowly sit up and hugging my crying son to me.

"Shippo, what's..." Inuyasha walks in and stands shocked.

I smile at him, looking at him in the eyes, silently reassuring him that I was awake and he wasn't dreaming. Inuyasha slowly walks up to me not saying a word. He kneels down in front of me, placing his hand on my cheek. I smile and close my eyes, leaning into his hand.

"Kagome, thank goodness your alright," he says and hugs me tightly.

"Oh I missed you guys so much," I say and I let the tears come and I cry into Inuyasha's shoulder.

After a little bit of talking, Sango and Miroku come in.They rush over and give me a hug. They tell me how they adopted Doru and how she saved them when Naraku's castle collapsed.

I am so happy that everyone is alright and that everyone is happy and safe.

"Is the darkness inside of me all gone?" I ask.

"Yes, Keade says that your aura is back to normal and pure as ever," Inuyasha says, his arm still wrapped around me.

"Kagome there is something you need to know," Inuyasha says and looks into my eyes.

"What is it Inuyasha you know you can tell me anything?" I say.

Inuyasha places a hand on my stomach, smiling down at me. "You're pregnant, with our pup."

~~Author's Note~~

Hello my hanyous, the next chapter will be the last one sadly :(. I hope you if any of you like werewolf stories that you will read my new story My Alpha Bryson. Please continue to read and COMMENT!!VOTE!! SHARE!! AND FOLLOW!!

~~BrilliantCrescent   :|

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