Chapter ~21~

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Sango's POV

We have been travelling for a few days now and we are all exhausted. Even Inuyasha. Inuyasha had bags under his eye and his eyebrows seemed to be permanently furrowed. Shippo was always in his arms, it was like he was using Shippo as an anchor in order to stay calm. Inuyasha has barely said anything to us just asking or answering questions and speaking lowly with Shippo.

"We should be there by nightfall," Doru says, shifting back into her eight year old self.

"Are you sure?" Inuyasha asks and stopped walking, but didn't turn around.

"Yes, I could get us there sooner by flying, but I would need lots of rest," she says.

"No, we need you to be well rested when we arrive. Take a nap, Shippo is getting tired too," he says and begins walking again.

I look down at Doru and pick her up before placing her on Kirara, so she could take her nap. I brush her bangs aside and kiss her forehead.

"Doru, what direction is Naraku's castle?" Miroku asks.

"Just keep heading in that direction," she says pointing in the direction Inuyasha was walking in.

"Okay, you go to sleep now sweetie," I say and hold her hand until she falls asleep.

I walk beside Miroku, holding his hand. I know that after all of this is done we will be together. We can raise Doru together. And have a family of our own. I smile up at him and grip his right hand. The hand with his wind-tunnel. I know that his wind tunnel is straining more and more.

"Miroku you have to promise me, that you will ot open your wind tunnel unless it is absolutely necessary," I say, not looking at him, and continuing to walk.

"Sango, you know that I am going to have to open my wind tunnel," he says, I don't know if he is looking at me.

"I don't want you to, what if your wind tunnel opens to wide and consumes you before we kill Naraku? What am I going to do if that happens? We are supposed to start a family after this is all over," I whisper, tears sting the corner of my eyes.

"Don't worry my dear Sango, we are all going to get out of this. Me, you Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippo, and Doru," he says, and wipes a tear that had trailed down my cheek. I just nod, not sure if all of us are going to make it.

Shippo's POV

"Papa, are we going to be able to save Mama?" I ask Papa. Papa had bags under his eyes and he looked to be needing some sleep.

"Yes, Shippo, we are going to save Mama, no matter what happens," he says and hugs me closer to him. I snuggle deeper into Papa's chest and close my eyes.

When I wake up the sun is setting and Sango was cooking fish. Papa was leaning against a tree, his eyes closed. I sit in his lap, waiting for my dinner. I know Papa is worried about Mama, I am and so is everyone else. I don't know much of what is happening with Mama, and I just hope that she is alright and isn't getting hurt.

Papa woke up just in time to eat. We all ate. I talked with everyone, Papa stayed silent for the most part. I finished all my dinner, knowing that Mama gives me a treat. But Mama is not here, I wonder if Papa will let me have a treat.

"Papa, I finished my dinner. Can I have a small treat?" I ask, looking hopeful.

"Only if you share with me," he smiles. I nod.

I scamper over to Mama big yellow bag. I grab a chocolate bar, and break it in half giving a half to Doru, and running back to Papa. I break my half of the chocolate bar in half and give one half to Papa.

"Here Papa," I say. "This is Mama's favourite kind of chocolate. I think it will give us good luck."

"You're right Shippo it will give us good luck," Papa says and rubs his hand through my hair. "Shippo, promise me you will stay close at all times."

"I will Papa, I promise," I say and give him a hug.

"I'll protect you, and save Mama," Papa says, giving me a kiss on the forehead. I nod and snuggle into his lap.

After a couple of minutes, we started to pack up. We all started walking, towards Naraku's castle and it soon came into view. It was surrounded my miasma and demons. How are we supposed to get through that? I thought.

"I can consume the miasma, I was born from it," Doru says.

"Doru, it doesn't harm you?" I ask.

"No, I was born from Naraku's miasma, it doesn't harm me in anyway or form," she says. She shifts into a dragon, and starts consuming the miasma.

The miasma has cleared and all that is left is the demons that are heading right in out direction...! Papa uses his Wind Scar, getting rid of most of the demons and Sango uses her Hiraikotsu and gets rid of the rest. Naraku castle is big and dark. It's going to be really hard to find Mama.

"Let's go find Mama now," I say and smile to Papa.

"Yeah, let's go find Mama," Papa says and starts to run, everyone following him.

Kagome's POV

The darkness has thickened more and miasma seeped into the room. Ankoku stood there, darkness protruding from his hands and surrounding me. I felt no pain, no happiness, and no sadness.

"Why don't you just give up?" Ankoku asks.

I don't answer, my eyes close and open slowly. I can't move.

"Come on, you know you want to give into the darkness. Don't you want to be free from any pain and sadness," he says and I don't answer.

I feel like I'm about to lose control, the last sliver of my pure soul is being consumed. I slip into the back of my mind and I hear, "That's a good girl."

~~Author's Note~~  PLEASE READ!!

Hello my hanyous, so Kagome has been consumed by the darkness. Is Inuyasha going to be able to save her? I have not been given any entries for the Fan Art contest, so please comment or send me message if you are going to enter the contest. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please continue to read and COMMENT!! VOTE!! SHARE!! FOLLOW!! AND WISH FOR SNOW DAYS!!

~~BrilliantCrescent    :S

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