Chapter ~15~

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I was wrapping Inuyasha wounds after cleaning them, when he woke up. He looked at me and smiled. How could he smile after what I did to him? I purified him, of all things, I could have done I purified him. I looked away from his burning amber eyes, and continue to wrap his hands and arm. After I was done I looked in his eyes, they were gleaming with happiness and love.

"You should rest, even with your increased healing abilities I know that it is going to take a while to heal the wounds I gave you," I whisper and begin to  stand up.

"Where are you going?" Inuyasha grabbed my hand wincing from the burns.

"I'm going to gather more water for dinner tonight. I want you to rest," I say, not looking at him and turning to Shippo. "Shippo, watch over Papa for me okay," I say and walk away.

I walk towards a stream I could smell near here.

I look down at my hands, they aren't burned with purification burns. But Inuyasha's are. With the burns I gave Inuyasha being caused by me purifying him, they won't heal for a long time. Tears came to my eyes, and my lips trembled. Next thing I knew, I was on my knees, tears cascading down my cheeks as I punched the ground over and over.

How could I do that?

After a couple minuted I had calmed down and continued my journey, towards the stream. I got the water and came back. Inuyasha was still awake and was arguing with Miroku about taking the herb that Kaede gave him.

"I'm not taking it, those are for Kagome," he growls pushing Miroku's arms away.

"Inuyasha you have to, your wounds are going to cause you a lot of pain," Miroki insists.

"Inuyasha just take the herb," I say taking it from Miroku's hand, and kneeling in front of Inuyasha. "I was the one who gave you these wounds you should at least let me help you get better."

Inuyasha didn't want to take the herb and I knew it, his hands were clenched into fists. His eyes in a glare that only softened when he heard the guilt in my voice.

"Alright Kagome, I'll take the herb," he says and grabs the herb and chews it. Once he swallows I can visible see the tension leave his shoulders and he relaxs.

"I'm going to make ramen for dinner, what flavour do you want?" I ask, still not wanting to look into his eyes. I know my eyes are filled with  guilt and if I see Inuyasha's loving gaze, I'll break down. I can't do that right now, I have to be strong for Inuyasha.

"Chicken," he murmurs and I know he is beginning to feel the full effect of the herb.

I made dinner for everyone. I didn't really want to talk to anybody, so I stayed silent. Shippo sat in my lap and finished his dinner. I gave him some candy and I did the same for Doru. Inuyasha was still resting, but I could sense he was waking up.

I made his ramen and walked over to him sitting down next to him.

"Inuyasha sit up a little," I say as I see his eyes open.

He smiles at me and sits up. I feed him his ramen, not looking into his eyes.

"Why won't you look at me?" Inuyasha growls, when he is half way through his ramen.

"Inuyasha, I lost control, I hurt you, just imagine what would have happened if it was Shippo that was in front of me. I coud have killed him, I could have killed you," I say, tears clouding my vision.

"Kagome you know that I wouldn't let anything happen to you or Shippo, or Miroku and Sango," Inuyasha whispers and reaches for me.

"Don't touch me, I'll hurt you," I say.

"Kagome, you won't hurt me," he says and reaches for me again.

I just shake my head and scoot away. Inuyasha grabs me and pulls me towards him. I try to push him away, but everyone knows that he is stronger. Inuyasha grabs my chin with his hand and just looks in my tear filled eyes.

He presses his lips against mine. His lips fit mine perfectly mine. They taste like the ice cream we had a couple days ago. I kiss him back eagerly. His tongue sneaks into my mouth and dances with mine. I moan and pull him closer, my mind clearing of every thought other then of Inuyasha.

Inuyasha pulled back and grabbed my hand. "See you're not hurting me."

I interlock our fingers, and kissed the back of his hand before placing his palm on my cheek. I rubbed my cheek on his palm and closed my eyes.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too," Inuyasha whispered to me.

"Mama, Papa," Shippo yelled and ran to us.

"Oh Shippo, I'm sorry I pushed you away," I say hugging him.

"I love you Mama. I love you Papa," Shippo whispered and sat between Inuyasha and me.

"We love you too Shippo," Inuyasha whispered.

Inuyasha wrapped his arms around me and Shippo and leaned against a tree looking up at the darkening sky. I did the same and couldn't stop the smile that spread across my lips and stayed on them until I fell asleep.

~~Author's Note~~

Hello my hanyous, I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. Luckily my parents were able to get our house warm again. But the furnace is still broken. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes. Please continue to read and COMMENT!! VOTE!! SHARE!! FOLLOW!! AND WISH FOR SNOW DAYS!!

~~BrilliantCrescent    ;)

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