Chapter 11

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* Nicole's p.o.v.*

I wake a little bit dizzy. I get control of myself and realize I have no clue what happened last night or where I am.
"Hey want some breakfast?" A familiar voice said. I looked up to see it was the jerk once again.

"Really?! Wow ok your more of a jerk than I realized. I don't know how I ended up her but I'm leaving! Bye". I said too angry to realize I had no clue to get home or had a car to get home. I decided to walk and call Emily to come pick me up. I finally reach a gas station and tell Emily to come pick me up there.

Emily finally gets to the gas station and picks me up. "Thanks" I said getting in. "No problem". Why did you want me to pick you up? " Duh cause he obviously took advantage of me". I said annoyed. "Nichole he didn't some guy put something in your drink and he couldn't find us. You fell asleep on him at the club and he still couldn't find us so he texted Taylor and told him everything." She said as she pulled into our drive way. "He's good guy Nichole just trust him. He didn't take advantage of you so you shouldn't be mad." Emily said getting out of the car.

I sit in the car and start to feel bad for storming out and accusing him. Instead of asking what happened.

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