Chapter 2

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"Hey why don't we go to the movies?" Taylor suggested. Everyone agrees and gets everything. Tris and Matt ride together and Taylor, Emily, and I ride together.

When we arrive to the theater we each buy our own ticket to go see divergent. We go to our seats I sit on the outer seat then Taylor and Emily sat down and Matt and Tris sat beside them.

Half way through the movie I turn my head to see Taylor and Emily looking at each other and snuggling together, and Matt and Tris doing the same thing. I then soon realize how I'm the only single person out of our group.

After the movie the five of us go and get milkshakes together. When we get to the place the three of us turn around and see Matt and Tris arguing. We then decide to turn around and mind our own business. The next thing we hear is Tris yelling,"YOU KNOW WHAT MATT IM DONE!" Then Matt takes off in his car and Tris walks over to us in tears. " I'm just going to sit in the car you guys can go ahead." Tris said almost breaking out in tears. We all look at each other and decide to go back and all of us go back to our own house.

We drop off Taylor at his house and Emily and him do a little goodbye kiss and say " I love you" which I thought was adorable since they have been together for almost two years. Finally we got back to our apartment and make sure Tris is ok instead of answering she just goes off in her room. We understood what happened and let it slide. " I'm going to bed night Nichole!" Emily said going to her room. "Night!" I said taking off my makeup. We all go to bed kind of early or at least early for us and called it a night.

The next morning we all woke up ten till eight and ate breakfast. Tris came into the kitchen and hopped onto a seat and said "morning guys how are you?!" Me and Emily both look at each other curious and said "morning.....?" Tris finishes eating and goes and takes a shower. "Do you think she's ok means she's acting like nothing happened last night. Nichole that's something that people don't just forget?" Says Emily. "Idk maybe she's trying to forget." I told Emily not knowing what to say.

Tris finally comes out of the shower dressed and ready. " Hey guys aren't we supposed to be filming a video for our channel?" Tris asked. "Yeah I think all of us are ready so I'll head upstairs and get the camera and lighting ready." I said already on my way upstairs.

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