"Ah, I think you can call this yours now" the agent said and gave Seonghwa the keys to their new and first apartment.

With a wide smile and disbelieving eyes he turned to Hongjoong and pulled him into an excited tight hug. "Can you believe this? This is ours now!" he cheered.

Hongjoong barely able to move in his boyfriend's tight arms manages to nod his head. "Ours. Our home"


"We could paint this wall burgundy"

"Only that one?" Hongjoong asked and pointed to the wall across from were tehir bed was going to be.

"Yeah. I want to hang up a couple black and white pictures there. I think that would go well... And don't you think we should give this a little color?"

Hongjoong tilted his head and imagined the painted wall. "Mhm, sure, why not" he agreed and added paint to his list. The list in his hands had become quite long, the furniture, their table ware, lamps and carpets, paint and other necessities. With a lot of convincing, Seonghwa agreed to let Hongjoong pay for all the things on that list. The other had payed the rent and Was paying for water and electricity. So, Hongjoong had insisted on getting their furniture.

"Then we're done, I think..." Seonghwa said and turned to his boyfriend. He took a couple steps towards him until he was able to put his hands around his neck. "I still can't believe it. This is going to be our home"

"Mhm, you better should" Hongjoong purred back and booped his nose against the older's. "You will go with your parents, and I will finish this. When you come back, this will look like a home" he said and planted a little kiss on the other's lips.

"I will be looking forward to our home"


Hongjoong paced around. That hadn't been his plan, oh no. He looked down at the letter. He had been officially fired and his monthly paycheck was canceled. "Oh fuck" he cursed to himself and took out his phone. He dialed Yonghwan's number and waited anxiously for him to pick up.

"Mhm? Why you calling?"

"Oh wow, hello to you too" Hongjoong sighed. "... I think I just got fired and my paycheck is canceled and I still need to get furniture for the apartment. Help"

Yonghwan on the other side first started laughing. "man, that sucks" he commented and leaned into his seat. "I could see what I can do for you here, I can't promise anything though. And even if they let you audition again, you ain't getting the packed before your hubby is back... But I least you maybe have a job and he won't ditch you"

Hongjoong massaged his temples. "But the furniture, I promised him that I would handle this... I can't greet him with an empty bedroom!"

"didn't you have a bed in your parents house? Use that for a month" the older adviced "just for a month it's going to be a little small space but well. Easier to get in his panties I guess" he joked.

"Oh wow, the pervert is coming out again, old hag." Hongjoong replied and sighed. "looks like I don't have any other options" Hongjoong had thought after all this he wouldn't have to go back to his parents' house for anything. Even his mail was coming to his new apartment since the day they had bought it. There was no other option though. "Mhm... I will send you a couple tracks then..."


"I left with one suitcase, came back with two. I can't, my mom insisted on giving me all the thick winter blankets, as if we have no heaters" Seonghwa complained in the elevator.

Hongjoong on the other hand nervously fidgeted with his hands. "mhm... She's just worried. It's fine, we have room for a couple blankets" he hummer back and left the elevator as it came to stop. Hongjoong carried the suitcases to their door and was about to lock it open, then he held on. "Uhm... I didn't get to paint the walls though, and... Uh, yeah. Just the walls"

Seonghwa's brow rose. "I hoped we could do it together anyway." he replied and decided to not question him for the moment.

"Then... Welcome home"

Hongjoong pushed open the door and let his boyfriend step in first. Seonghwa eyes sparkled as they took in the now full corridor. Hongjoong had hung up a couple pictures of them. The short corridor lead to the living room and kitchen, in the back was the guest room and their bedroom. With curious eyes Seonghwa looked through every room, except their's. He wanted to open it with him. So, he turned to his boyfriend and took his hands. On the inside, Hongjoong was dying. He didn't want to disappoint Seonghwa with what was waiting on the other side of the door.

Seonghwa opened it with a wide smile, looked inside and closed it again immediately. He took a breath before pushing it open and taking another look. It was still there. He wasn't imagining it. There was a bunk bed. Seonghwa couldn't tell what he was, angry of disappointed. Probably both. "Oh bro, I'm taking the bottom, bro" he said and took a step in.

"Seonghwa let me explain-"

"Oh no, homie, it's fine. You see bro, you're my best friend, man. I love you. No homo tho" Seonghwa replied and dropped his purse on the bottombed. "What happened, Hongjoong? That's not the bed we chose, where is it? Is this a joke? We even Reserved the bed we chose, what happened, Hongjoong?"

Hongjoong lowered his gaze. "You see..."


"mhm, that's how we moved in after high school" Seonghwa finished and showed the pictures of their first apartment before Yunho had been born. "and then Daddy and I shared a bunk bed like good friends"

"But aren't you and Dad friends too?" Yeosang questioned

"friends don't sleep in a bed nak-" Hongjoong tried but got cut off by Seonghwa hand slapping his shoulder.

"Dad and I are best friends, the closest best friends, and we love each other. Not all friendships are like that. And sometimes you marry your best and dearest friend" Seonghwa tried to explain.

"Woah, does that mean I can marry Chan one day too?"

Heey yall

How you doing?

I'm gonna have a hard time studying now, more or less but I have the last chaps planned out so I think I can update regularly

Mhmm any wishes about the throwbacks?😗

I guess other than that I don't have much to say today

Please stay healthy and safe


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