Chapter 24

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The rest of the afternoon moved by achingly slowly.  The castle was settling into a more relaxed pace, as so many of the more experienced staff had promised.

There were only a handful of guests remaining.  Anya did not find a single opportunity to slip her potion to Lord Wildwood and she was growing increasingly anxious as the moments slipped away.  She did not want to do it, but because she had to she wanted to get it over with.  She just wanted to be done.

The day came to a close without a single opportunity to get anywhere near Wildwood.  She saw him only as he and Lady Theresa went into the dining room and she went to bed that night disappointed and relieved and worried.

* * * * *

The morning dawned unfittingly sunny and Anya dragged herself from the shelter of the blankets.  She wanted nothing more than to curl up in a little ball in the middle of her bed and hide from the world.  Instead, she dressed quickly and strode from the room.

Hanna was fussing around Lady Theresa's room when Anya arrived.  She turned when she heard Anya enter.

"Good morning, Anya," she said.  "We've got much to do today.  Lady Theresa and Lord Wildwood have planned their journey for tomorrow."

"Oh.  Are either of us going to be needed?"  She was going to lose her opportunity to slip the potion to Lord Wildwood, and she worried

Hanna shook her head.  "Lady Theresa told me that it was a short journey and we were to remain behind.  They are travelling lightly to Waldwick."

Anya nodded.  She needed to find an opportunity to do it before they left.

"Some of the items we have already packed need to be unpacked and repacked."

"Yes," Anya agreed.

The morning devolved into a torturous exercise in packing, and Anya's nerves felt as if they were stretched to the breaking point.  She needed time to plot and think, but instead Hanna had her hopping around the castle fetching various items and returning others and taking messages to Missus White.

But then everything was worth it.

A servant boy who Anya recognized but did not know brought a decanter of brandy to the room.  Hanna spoke with the boy.  "Lady Theresa asked for this to be brought here for Lord Wildwood," he explained.

"Very well," Hanna agreed.  "Just put it over on the sideboard."

Anya watched covertly as the boy took the bottle to the side and set it down before he left the room.

Hanna was rushing around.  "Anya, do you know where...  Oh, never mind.  I can't explain it.  I'll be right back," she said, as she rushed from the room.

Anya's breath caught in her throat.  She almost could not believe that it would be so easy.  Did they know what she was attempting?  Were they setting her up?

It did not matter.  With a quick glance around, Anya crossed the room.  She opened the glass bottle and the little vial from her pocket and without allowing herself to think about what she was about to do she poured it in.  She hoped that the alcohol in the bottle would improve the effects of the despair potion on the lord.

Anya swirled the bottle to mix the potion together and then set everything back as it had been.  She was back to folding linens when Hanna returned.

It was close to noon when Hanna and Anya finished packing for their lady.  Anya had dragged the work out as much as she could because she wanted to keep her eye on the decanter.  Finally, Anya had no more excuses to stay in Lady Theresa's sitting room and she was forced to abandon her post.  She did not want to look suspicious. 

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