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Mitch and I were dancing on the floor. I was in awe at Mitch. He moved in the sexiest way and I was engulfed in all his energy. A guy bumped into him and stared at him like a piece of meat, "I'm with him!" He shouted over the music. I was surprised. I didn't think he'd go with that excuse. But I didn't mind AT. ALL.

"Want another?" I yelled to Mitch. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the bar. Our fingers were intertwined as we drank from our glasses. Mitch was shaky and sweaty but so gorgeous in all these fluorescent lights.

"Dance with me Scott!" Mitch lead me to the dance floor when I nodded frantically. He wrapped his hands around my neck after placing my hands on his waist. He smiled at me as we danced in a perfect rhythm.

"Are you drunk?" I asked Mitch.

"Nope! I feel really good though! No different except really happy and I'm just enjoying all of this. The music, the dancing, drinks, you especially."

"Sounds good. I'm glad you're having fun!" He smiled again and looked around as the song changed to a lively, more jumpy, song.

"I like this song! It's so good!" His hands fell from around my neck and he intertwined our fingers together. He was waving his arms around and jumping up and down. I didn't know he would have such a great time but I was so happy he was.

When a slower song came on, a guy with a microphone went up on a stage, "Men! It's time to slow things down and grab your man!" He got off stage and men listened to his orders. Mitch looked up at me with a smile. He wrapped his arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around his waist.

"Scott. I'm having such an awesome time with you. Thank you for joining me." He set his head on my shoulder and sighed.

"You're welcome Mitch. I would never pass down an opportunity to spend time with you. Especially when we're not working."

"Do you like me?"


"Do you like me? Like, do you like-like me?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Andrew mentioned something on the subject. But it's okay."

"It's not okay. You'll never like me back."

"You don't know that."

"What're you saying?"

"You've been such a help to me through everything. I love you and all you've done for me Scott. I appreciate you so much, and how you like me no matter what."

"You l-love me?"

"Oh yeah. I love you so much Scott."

"I love you too Mitch."

He pulled back and we made eye contact. He didn't look away, so neither did I. I couldn't help but to stare into those beautiful brown eyes. He started to lean in so I copied. And before I knew it, ours lips were touching and began moving in a perfect rhythm.

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