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"Morning Mitch." I said as he walked through the door. I noticed how sad he looked. I didn't want to ask in fear of being rude.

"Good morning, Mr. Hoying."

"Scott. And how are you doing?"

"Sorry. I keep forgetting. I'm, okay."

"Okay? I doubt that." He sat down in the chair across from me with a loud sigh. I looked up at him from my papers and saw a wave of sadness in his eyes.

"You doubt that I'm okay? Why?"

"Your mood. It's very, not okay. Sad, if anything."

"Something happened last night. I don't wanna say. No, I can't say."

"Why not? Is it really that bad?" All he did was nod and I knew to let it go.
"No meetings today. I was so glad. My dad is super pissed that he let go of this place."

"Why don't you give it back?"

"I've offered but he said he's already retired and this place is off his hands. It's too late."

"I'm sorry. In all fairness, I'd rather work for you than your dad."

"Well thanks. And in all fairness, you probably wouldn't work here if he did." I sat down on a lounge chair on the roof. Mitch to my right, sitting as well.

"Good point." I handed a beer over to Mitch and he hesitantly grabbed it, "My husband is coming to get me anyway."

"Tell me about your man." He looked over at me, seeming a bit confused.

"What about him?" He looked down at his lap, watching his fingers fumble around the beer bottle.

"What's he like? Is he handsome and kind? A good father? A good, husband."

"He's handsome, I guess. About as good as I can get, so. And more even."

"Is that why that was the only one you agreed to? He isn't kind, a good father or husband?"

"He's more handsome than any of those. I don't know. I shouldn't speak badly about him."

"Why not?"

"He gave me my son. If not for him, I wouldn't have Andrew. He means the world to me. Everything. He's all I have."

"And you only stay with this guy because of your kid?"

"Kinda. He doesn't care about him anyway, but I'd feel guilty."

"You'd feel guilty? Why?"

"I know that Andrew needs two parents. If I leave Joel, he won't have that. I won't be able to date with a kid. What kind of man wants to settle down with a guy who has a 5 year old with daddy issues? No one. So either I keep my family together and have a husband, or I ruin my family and end up alone."

"I'm sure there's someone out there for you, Mitch." He looked over at me.

"Is there a Mrs. Scott Hoying?" He asked.

"No. No, there isn't. And it wouldn't be a Mrs. either." I said shyly, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Well, no boyfriend? Nothing?"

"Nope. I haven't in a while."

"Why not?"

"I wanted to settle down. I talked to my last boyfriend about getting married and he wasn't interested so I broke it off. I haven't dated since because no guy my age wants to settle down and have a family."

"I know what you mean. Except you can actually go out and do it. Here I am with an asshole husband who physically, and mentally, abuses me. I guess I get it, I'm a bad person so I deserve it."

"He abuses you? Mitch..." A tear slid down his cheek before I looked behind us to see a man standing.

"Mitch! Let's go." He came over and aggressively grabbed his arm, pulling him up out of the chair.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Scott." He said before being pulled through the door.

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