ℕᴇᴡ ʜᴏᴍᴇ

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It's dark, too dark, I navigated the dark blindly.

Tugging Ryujin along behind me who was hiccuping, holding back tears, I shushed her promptly. If we get caught now, we might never be able to leave.
Yuna's instructions echoed in my head.

A left, then a right, a right, a door, and...

We're out.

We finally reached the outside and were greeted with warm night air, but our skin was still goosebump ridden. Although out of the mansion, we were not safe yet.

I tugged Ryujin's arm, signaling her to run now.

Tonight, we would leave this hell house and all it's diamonds.


"Not gonna answer me?" I observed blankly.

The man shook in his confines, tears pouring from his eyes. Fear, anger, and stubborness were all crossing his face all at once. It's actually pathetic. I rolled my eyes, too tired to deal with this.

I exited the cell and motioned to Taehyun.

"What?" he folded his arms in front of his chest, usually I would've flicked his forehead for being disrespectful but I'm just too tired.

"Take care of him, I can't stand him." I instructed, with that I walked off.

"You know I love taking care of your dirty work." Taehyun called from behind me, sarcasm seething from his very lips.

I returned back to the house, Kai was probably already asleep so I tried to tiptoe quietly. As soon as I entered I could hear the clanging of pots and pans, I followed the sound to the kitchen where Soobin was wearing an apron, busying himself in the kitchen. When I entered he looked over his shoulder with his usual emotionless expression before turning back to what he was doing.

"Is Kai asleep?" I came to his side, resting my head on his shoulder as I nosily observed him.

"No." he lied, poker faced, if I didn't know any better I would think he was telling the truth.

"Then why are you making so much noise?"

"A bomb could go off and he wouldn't even flinch, what I'm doing is not going to wake him up." he spoke matter-of-factly, snatching his shoulder from under my chin. I snickered.

"Don't burn down the kitchen with your "cooking"." I said as I turned around.

"Who said I was cooking?"

I exited the kitchen to the living room and plopped down tiredly on one of the armchairs, closing my eyes, leaning back, and letting sleep take me.


"You made it." Chaeryeong cheered, pulling us out from the night into her arms. She basically strangled us, breathing a breath of relief as we tiredly hugged her back

Chaeryeong's home has always been our escape from him, but now it would be our new home. Thankfully she agreed when we initially asked her, she even said we didn't need to bring any luggage, just to bring ourselves safely.

We rocked side to side in our embrace for a second before breaking, Chaeryeong looked at us with a big smile, looking us over as if not believing we're standing in front of her.

She guided us through her mansion bringing us to a room that was a little smaller than our rooms back at ho- I mean his house, but this is good enough. Since it was late into the night Chaeryeong lended me her older sister's old pajamas and Ryujin her's.

We gave each other another hug before saying goodnight.

I sat in the bed and Ryujin laid next to me.

I snuggled myself into the thicket of blankets, laying my heavy head onto the light pillows, exhaustion over taking me once my eyes closed. This feels so unreal...
I let out a sigh, opening my eyes and looked to my side to see Ryujin staring up at the ceiling, her eyes glossed over.

"Ryujin." I whispered tiredly.

She quickly blinked away her tears before looking back at me.


"You know...this is the first time in years that we've shared a bed together, I let out a dry laugh. She smiled too.

"Yeah...I guess so."

We stared at each other in the darkness. I examined Ryujin's face, and the only thing I feel is the want to protect her, to protect my baby sister from all the demons of this world.

"I wanna hug." I stated, and before she could whine like the brat she is, I pulled her into my embrace, tucking her under my chin, wrapping my arms around her.

"Whatever." she grumbled, but she eventually wrapped her arms around me too, and we fell asleep.


I was woken up by a scream, I shot up from my bed, bewildered. I looked to my side to find Ryujin was missing. I was on my feet, I heard a string of voices and followed it, twisting and turning through this maze of a house, frantically looking for the source of those voices.

When I found the door, I slammed it open to find... a sight...

Ryujin was clutching onto the bed railing for dear life, and behind her, Chaeryeong and Lia were lined up behind her in this chain formation, tugging on the strings to her dress with all their might as she let out a blood curdling cry.

Yuna sat at the sidelines, snickering at the sight, she noticed I entered and beckoned me over.

"What's going on?" I whispered in my raspy morning voice.

Before she could answer Ryujin screamed again.


"Stop being a baby, it's only until we get you some clothes from the mall." Lia said in a calm, sweet voice.


"Your tutu will not be hanging out because you're wearing underwear, and plus it's not like you'll be cold, it's summer." Chaeryeong reasoned, finally tying a knot to the strings and releasing her. Ryujin let out a relieved sigh, panting as if she ran a mile.

Now that I look at the dress it is actually cute, it was a thigh length, flowy black dress, not as bad as she's making it seem.

Her hair was finally brushed out and I could see a bit of makeup that brought out her natural beauty.

"You did this?" I said to no one in particular, Lia and Chaeryeong looked behind themselves as if they didn't notice me.

"Yeji!" Lia cheered and ran to me, enveloping me in her arms, bouncing us up and down excitedly.

"When did you get here?" she pulled back a bit but still held me in her arms.

"Just now."

"Great, then you can come to the mall too." she smiled sweetly, but behind it I knew her evil intentions...

So I ran.

Before I even made out of the room, I was caught by my ponytail. And tugged back in, landing straight onto the floor.

"I'm not suffering alone." Ryujin faked a sweet tone.

"NOOOO!" I screamed as Chaeryeong, Lia, and Yuna dragged me away to Chaeryeong's closet to get me a dress, not because we don't wear the same size, they just want to make me suffer.

Eventually after much fighting, screaming, and struggling they got me into form fitting, white dress that stretched a little about my knees

The rest got dressed in their own dresses, did our hair, convinced me to put on some makeup and we were out to the mall.

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