Chapter 73

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A whole week went by and there was no change in Raven's condition. In that time it had leaked to the press that the baby had been born and Raven was being hospitalized- details still unknown. Over the course of that time, her hospital room was filled with visitors, Tiana even showed up once just to see for herself how Raven was doing. Even though they weren't on good terms she didn't wish this on her friend.

Alex and Danielle were there constantly gossiping with Raven as if she could talk back, and Trey was always popping up or sending flowers. At this point, her room had been filled with them, among teddy bears and get-well cards from close friends and relatives. Her students at the dance studio even scraped together their money to send a gift for her and the baby. It was just too bad she couldn't see any of it.

Drake sat in his usual spot which was a lounge chair right beside Raven's bed, and right within arm's reach was his son sleeping the day away. Using his celebrity and his charm, he managed to talk the doctor into sneaking the baby out of the NICU to stay in the room with him and Raven. It wasn't much of a problem since he was pretty healthy for a premature baby. It was weird having Raven miss out on the first week of their child's life. She missed seeing him open his eyes, only to reveal that they matched hers.

Everything else Drake would claim for his own. He slept there every night with his mini me and had no intentions of leaving. He wanted to be right there whenever she decided to wake up, and he wasn't the only one.

Sandi and Karen stayed at the hospital, neither wanting to leave their children's side. The room was big enough to accommodate them and then some. It was like a secluded apartment inside the maternity ward with a kitchen, bathroom, and living room all included. Every day the place was packed with visitors, all stopping by to see the baby and Raven. Grams and Karris opted to stay at her place but would pop up at the hospital every now and then. The crew was always in and out trying to lift Drake's spirits and keep him company, but all he really wanted to do was be alone with his family.

It was 8:00 A.M. and he was finally getting his chance. Sandi had gone down to the cafeteria in search of breakfast, and Karen was off conversing with Dr. Baxter about Raven's condition. She had been on that woman's back every since she step foot in that hospital. With Raven losing so much blood during the delivery, she was in need of a transfusion, but that was easier said than done. Since Raven shared her father's rare blood type, it was hard finding a donor, but after making a few phone calls Karen somehow managed to pull it off.

Drake glanced around the room and finally, he was alone. Getting up from his chair he stretched his arms high letting out a yawn. The steady beeping sounds of the machines Raven was hooked up to had become silent to him. After a week of hearing it, you just seem to tune them out.

Standing over her beside, Drake did his morning routine of saying a prayer and giving her a kiss on the forehead. He held her hand that the IV adjoined, and just stared down at the ring on her finger. With everything they were going through she still wore it and never gave it back. That gave him hope that she was holding on to it for a reason. As he watched Raven, a slight movement caught his attention from the corner of his eyes. He looked over at his son and saw that he was stirring, and within a blink of an eye that stirring turned into loud cries.

"What's wrong little man?" He asked as he walked over to the newborn who was unofficially named Cameron. Since Raven was comatose the birth certificate wasn't signed declaring him Cameron Graham.

Placing a receiving blanket over his shoulder, Drake lifted the child from his bassinet, laying him on his chest as he bounced him up and down trying to soothe him, but the wailing wouldn't stop. "One of your grandmother's is gonna rush in here thinking I'm killing you." He said as he continued to bounce. Sandi and Karen watched him like a hawk whenever he was handling their grandchild. They made sure he was doing everything the right way... their way that is.

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