Chapter 63

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Tiana's ultimatum was weighing heavy on Drake's mind. The choices were laid out clearly right in front of him, either he comes clean or she'll do it for him. The only thing was, he wasn't too convinced that he actually cheated. Tiana kept getting on him, wanting to know exactly when he was going to talk to Raven, and when he couldn't come up with an answer she hit him with a deadline. This was becoming his most stressful tour ever, and the cause of his stress didn't have anything to do with the actual tour itself. Once again Raven's face flashed on his phone's screen, and once again he ignored it. With everything going on around him, Drake couldn't bring himself to talk to her and be forced to tell a lie or fall into another trap of a fight, but with Tiana's threat lingering he knew he was gonna have to face her sooner or later.

When the tour bus stopped in Atlanta Drake was the first to get off. Someone must have leaked what hotel he was staying in because there were at least fifty fans on the sidewalk waiting for him. Drake put on a smile and did the celebrity thing, signing a few autographs as Spoons cleared him a path. When they made it to the lobby Oliver handled getting the crew checked in. After receiving their keys everyone started going their separate ways. Ryan, OB, Niko, and the rest of the guys all followed the smell of food, leading them to the restaurant inside of the hotel. After hours on the road with nothing but junk food, a hot meal was much needed right now. Meanwhile, Chubbs and Tiana followed Drake and Spoons to the elevator up to the rooms. The four of them just stood there letting the elevator music drown out their silence as they ascended. No words were spoken, but he could feel a set of eyes burning holes into him.

"I'm gonna tell her," Drake spoke out while still looking at the doors desperately waiting for them to part.

"When?!" Tiana asked with her eyes still boring on him.

"Soon." He replied growing slightly agitated. He rubbed the back of his neck anxiously waiting to hear that ding of the opening elevator doors.

"Like as in, as soon as you talk to her?" she questioned.

"Tiana..." Chubbs cut in, trying to restore peace in the confined space.

"What? I'm not the bad guy here. What would you do if the roles were reversed? Would you be encouraging Raven to lie about cheating on your best friend?" She asked looking directly at Chubbs waiting for her answer. Right on cue the doors opened and Drake and Chubbs immediately stepped off, but Tiana was still on their backs picking at the subject like a dog with a bone.

Drake turned around to face her growing more annoyed with each question. "Look, I don't know what happened. Just let me talk to Dollicia first and find out exactly what happened. After that, I'll tell Raven everything... if there's anything to tell."

Tiana sighed in defeat. "Please talk to her today, Drake."

"Today." He replied and the two nodded in agreement before going to their rooms.


Drake stood in front of the large glass window staring out at the city before him with a shot of cognac in his hand. Even though he knew alcohol was probably the last thing he should be having right now, he needed something strong to get him through what he was about to do. There was a knock at the door. Spoons sat down the food that he was currently enjoying and got up to answer it. Giving the peephole a quick check, Spoons was surprised at who he saw. He looked at Drake who just gave a small nod without even looking in his direction. Spoons didn't question him, he just took the locks off the door, opened it, and stepped to the side.

"Took long enough," Dollicia complained as she marched into the room walking right past Spoons disregarding him as if he was a part of the decoration.

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