Chapter 54

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The entire night Raven attempted to make conversation with Drake and every time she failed miserably. There was nothing but one word replies and head nods on his end and it was driving her crazy. The only time she got a little lead way with him was when she was introducing him to various family members. He put on a smile and did the friendly small talk, but after that, it was back to the silent treatment. At this point she didn't know what was worse, the yelling, or him not talking to her. Raven opted to eat in the kitchen away from the rest of her family who all corralled in the dining room and living room. It was the only bit of privacy she was going to get. As much as Raven loved her family, she really wasn't in the mood to deal with all the questions and prying eyes; Stephanie's to be specific.

She was thankful that Karris was being the buffer that she needed. So now she was hiding out in the kitchen watching Chubbs and Tiana flirt back forth while Drake was sitting beside her in his own little world pretending that she didn't even exist. He was too preoccupied with stuffing his face and watching the football game. Raven's eyes strayed over to their whispering friends. Seeing them laugh and giggle made her feel a pang of jealously. Her eyes then cut back over to Drake searing a hold in the side of his face. That was supposed to be them right now. This wasn't the Thanksgiving she was expecting at all. Even though she knew she caused this riff between them, she felt like kicking him in his leg under the table just to spark some kind of reaction from him. Before she could react on the tempting thought the door to the kitchen swung open. When Raven looked up to see who it was, a smile lit up her face.

Raven practically jumped from her seat to greet the two people that entered the room. "Aunt Jackie, Uncle Manny, I'm so glad you're here!" She wrapped her arms around the both of them smiling from ear to ear. Jackie is Raven's father's sister, and the only family member from his side that didn't live in Puerto Rico. Besides Karris, Jackie was the only blood connection to her dad that she was close to. Feeling a body close to her she turned her head to see Drake at her side; she didn't even notice that he'd gotten up from the table. "Aunt Jackie, Uncle Manny, this is my boyfriend Aubrey." said Raven.

"Hi, nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you." Drake leaned forward to give Jackie a hug taking in how nice she smelled. He then shook Manny's hand noticing the tight grip the older man gave him, but Drake didn't back down. He stared him down until he nodded and released his grip.

"For a minute there I thought you weren't going to make it. Uncle Manny must have been driving." said Raven. Manny was notorious for driving like an old lady on Sunday.

"Hey! I got us here, that's all that matters. I couldn't miss out on this good food. Besides, me and this guy here are long overdue for a talk... man to man." He looked directly at Drake casting that fatherly eye. There was no mistaking what his intentions were.

"Uncle Manny..." Raven's worrisome eyes pleaded with her uncle's, but when she felt Drake's hand on her lower back she eased up.

"It's cool, I don't have a problem with it." Drake spoke up for himself. After hearing all about Raven's family and how close she was to her aunt is uncle, he knew this talk was going to happen sooner or later.

Manny put his arms out with a mischievous grin on his face. "See, no need to worry, I'll have him back before your aunt is finished making my plate."

Jackie's hand shot to her hips as her neck rolled back. "Excuse me, but I don't see a damn thing wrong with your two hands. That machismo crap went out with the fifties." She spoke with a heavy Spanish accent and went on to rant further more in Spanish.

Taking one look at his rambling wife he threw an arm around Drake's shoulder leading him out back. "That's our cue to leave."

Leaving Chubbs alone with the women in the kitchen, Manny and Drake walked out on to the patio. It was dark and cold, but the two men sat out on the chairs away from all the noises coming from inside. Drake didn't know exactly what he was in for. He only did the meet the parent's thing once before and even then he had known the girl's family most of his life so there was no worry about being accepted. Even though Raven's mother and grandmother had welcomed him in with open arms, he had a feeling that her uncle wasn't going to be so easy.

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