Chapter 57

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Premiere Night

Drake sat downstairs fully dressed in his all-black suit watching football with 40, Chubbs, and Ryan as he waited on Raven. She was upstairs being primed and prepped by her glam squad and he didn't want any part of the chaos that went with it. Judging from the constant commotion of doors going open and shut, and the aggravated shrieks coming from Raven every now and then, he knew that she was far from being ready. With her being occupied, he thought now would be a good time to have a talk with his boys.

Drake looked around the room seeing that someone was missing. He glanced in the direction of the kitchen to see 40 leisurely making his way back into the living room with a beer hand. "Yo 40, hurry up, I wanna show y'all something!" He checked the steps to make sure that no one was coming down before digging in his pockets and pulling out a black box.

40 jogged over to Drake wanting to see what was so important. "What's up?" he asked. Once he was all the way in the room he saw Drake sitting there holding a small red box. He smiled at his friend and sat down in a chair. "Sorry Drake, but you ain't my type." He joked making Chubbs and Ryan laugh.

"If y'all can stop joking for a second..." Drake tossed the box to 40 and he caught it. He watched his face as he opened it. "What do you think?"

40 examined the ring closely. He smirked at Drake who was still awaiting his answer. "What do I think? I think I'm planning your bachelor party. When are you gonna do it?" 40 asked as he passed the box to Ryan.

"I haven't exactly thought that far ahead yet." Drake took the box from Chubbs who had just finished looking at it and stuffed it back in his pocket. "I know one thing, I ain't never been this nervous about anything before."

"You should be. This is big. I'm glad you're stepping up, Raven's a good girl." 40 patted him on the back offering his congratulations.

"I would say I'm surprised, but I'm not. I already knew you were gonna wife her, especially with the baby coming." said Ryan and the guys showed their agreement on their faces.

Drake looked around the room seeing that they were all thinking the same thing. "I'm not proposing because she's pregnant, Ryan."

"Are you sure you're not asking Raven to marry you so she won't leave your ass when she finds out about your secret?" Chubbs insinuated, opening up the floor for a conversation that Drake really didn't want to have

"Yeah, that was fucked up by the way." 40 and the rest of the guys shook their heads. Every eye was aimed at Drake making him feel like they were judging him.

As always, when the subject of Raven's pregnancy came up, Drake brushed it off. He looked at his watch seeing that it was getting late and the limo was due to arrive any minute now. Ignoring the questioning glances from his friends, he got up from the sofa and made his way up the stairs. Meanwhile in the bedroom, Raven was having a mini meltdown. Everything was going fine. Her hair was straightened without one stray strain out of place, and her makeup was done with flawless execution. All was well until it was time to put on her dress, and that is where they hit a snag. In the past couple of weeks, Raven had done nothing but binge on snacks in between flights and television appearances, which left no time for the gym. So naturally, she had gained a few pounds that weren't there when she had her dress fitting a month ago. Raven stood there in her robe staring down at this beautiful champagne colored gown that she could just not get into.

Drake walked into the bedroom, which had been turned into a full on dressing room, and saw Raven standing there looking the same way he left her thirty minutes ago. "Babe, it's getting late. Why aren't you dressed yet?" he asked, and if looks could kill, he'd be dead.

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