Chapter 31

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After about twenty minutes or so of soaking, Raven decided it was time to get out of the bathtub. This was not so easy of a task. It was extremely comfortable and peaceful in there, but she was still curious as to what Drake had planned downstairs. So Raven climbed out of the tub and wrapped a warm towel around her. After releasing the water, and cleaning up behind herself, she exited the room. When Raven walked out of the bathroom, she saw that she was entering the master bedroom. This was something she missed since she was blindly led up here. Her eyes scanned the room, appraising every inch. It had a warm manly feel to it. She then glanced over to the king-sized mahogany bed that was just screaming her name. She was running off of five hours of sleep for the past 48 hours and all she wanted to do was just curl up and go to bed... but this was the first time she's seen Drake in weeks so she didn't want to just fall asleep on him.

Raven walked over to her suitcases that Drake must have brought up while she was in the tub, and unzipped them looking for something to put on. It was damn near two in the morning which meant there was no use in putting real clothes on, so she flipped through her things looking for some pajamas. After weighing her options, Raven chose to go with her satin VS black cami with matching boyshorts. Once she was dressed, she threw on her grey fuzzy booties that instantly warmed her feet when she stepped into them and walked out of the room.

As soon as she entered the hall, she remembered that she had no idea as to where she was going. The house was huge and she didn't see which way they came. As she walked further down the hall, she noticed a trail of rose petals leading the way down a cascading staircase. She smiled and silently followed her guide as it led her outside. When the pedals stopped, she was greeted by Drake sitting at a table under a cabana, patiently waiting for her. Candles lit the area and the moonlight reflected off the aqua blue pool that provided the most beautiful backdrop for their evening.

Drake watched as Raven approached him, he knew that she was impressed. When she got closer, he stood from his chair and pulled out hers. While looking at her caramel complexion glow in the candlelight that flickered off of her grey eyes, he wasn't sure if he would be able to behave himself through dinner. She had her hair down just the way he liked it, and she smelled so sweet, like vanilla causing his hormones to stir. Drake stared at her affectionately until her voice broke his daze.

"Wow Aubrey, this is amazing... I wasn't expecting any of this at all." Raven looked over the table. There were two white pillar candles sitting inside glass holders and a bottle of white wine chilling on ice. The setup was so romantic making her wish she wasn't dressed for bed.

"I'm glad you like it," Drake replied. He popped the cork on the wine and filled each of the glasses halfway.

Raven was genuinely surprised by his behavior, and that was a good thing. She didn't feel like she was sitting across from a chart-topping rapper, right now, at this moment, he was just a regular guy. "I love it," Raven responded, she then shifted her attention to the plate in front of her. "And you cooked for me... wait a minute, did you cook this?" she asked staring at the chicken parmesan that looked and smelled delicious.

"Of course I did, you betta recognize girl." He replied sounding very proud of his accomplishment - especially since he burned the chicken twice, but in the end, everything turned out great.

"Oh, well excuse me Chef Boyardee," Raven replied sarcastically. She took her knife and fork in hand and sliced into the meat. She put the fork in her mouth, and to her astonishment, it tasted as good as it looked. She felt his eyes on her watching and waiting for a reaction. "This is really good Aubrey." He gave a coy smirk and joined her in eating. As the two of them ate she ran down this whole night in her head. Everything from the limo, the flowers, the bubble bath, and now this dinner, she knew that a nice evening wasn't the only thing on his agenda. "You know, if I didn't know any better, I would say that this is all a ploy to get in my panties." She leaned her elbow on the table and rested her head in her hand as she awaited his answer.

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