Chapter 55

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It was 8:00 P.M. Thanksgiving night, and just as Drake suspected, nothing was open. They drove around the abandoned streets of Brooklyn heading to yet another store in hopes that someone would still have their lights on. The ride was silent for the most part, all except for the barely audible radio playing and the few words spoken by Raven as a conversation starter; that she once again received nothing but short replies for her efforts. All of this was making her more and more frustrated so she just decided to focus on the many houses that passed, but as they drove she felt light headed. Raven's eyes shut tightly as her hand gripped the door panel.

All of a sudden the car felt extremely hot. Taking a deep breath, Raven mustered enough strength to get her words out. "Aubrey, stop the car, please." She said as calmly as she could.

Not bothering to see what was going on, Drake kept his eyes glued to the road ahead trying to spot any neon sign that said open. "I'm not stopping, we're going to this last store so we can hurry up and get-"

"Pull the over!" Raven shouted and just her luck they came to a red light. As soon as the car stopped, she lunged for the door stepping out into the brisk air.

Drake shifted lanes and double parked. By the time he got out of the car Raven was on the sidewalk stripping out of her coat. "Raven it's freezing cold out here, what are you doing?" He took the coat from her trying to put it over her shoulders, but she pushed it away taking a few steps away from him in the process. "Raven talk to me, what's wrong with you?" he asked sounding concerned.

Another hot flash overcame her and she felt like everything around her was moving, but she was standing still. "I'm fine, it'll pass I just need some fresh air." Raven paced the sidewalk, fanning herself with her hand hoping that this feeling would hurry up and go away.

As Raven passed by him again, Drake reached out and held onto her hand to calm her down. "Raven, you have to relax, look at me." He cupped her face in his hands causing her eyes to meet his. "I need you to calm down and breathe. Can you do that for me?" He asked in his most gentle sincere voice and she nodded her head in his grasp.

After the day that she's had, it felt nice to be held by him and not have the constant yelling. When Raven looked him in his eyes she saw the sweet attentive side of him that she missed. Raven placed her hands over his caressing the flesh there. She thought now would be a good time for them to talk without distraction. "Aubrey, I'm really-" Her words were cut short by the sound of his phone ringing. Suddenly she felt his touch fade as he stepped back to answer it. Judging from the conversation it was Chubbs on the other end of the phone. After a few yeah's and uh huh's, Drake hung up. The moment was gone for Raven, she put up her front like everything was fine and started walking back over to the car. "There's a Walgreens near the house, let's try there. If it's not open then forget it." She said as she shut the door.

They headed back in the direction of Raven's mom house, stopping at the Walgreens that was only five minutes away. The lights were still on, but it looked like no one was inside. Drake pulled up to the front and Raven got out to try the door. As soon as she approached the door a woman who looked to be in her late thirties appeared at the glass.

"We're closed, come back tomorrow." She protested shaking her head.

"I just need to grab one thing; I promise we'll be in and out." Raven pled hoping that she would give in.

The store clerk put her key in the lock paying Raven's words no mind, that was until she looked up to get a good look at who she was talking to, and when she did her eyes widened. "Hey, I know you." With a swift twist of the wrist she unlocked the door. "My daughter Sydney takes classes at your dance studio in Manhattan."

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