Chapter 9

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The film continued to play, they laughed, and laughed some more. When they finished eating, it was Raven who cleared their mess up depositing the empty containers and bags in the trash. When she returned she resumed her position using his lap as a pillow, which he didn't mind. His fingers absent mindedly trailed through her hair, and she relaxed into his touch. Her phone began to ring; she reached in her purse on the floor to get her phone. By the time she got to it she'd missed the call. There was an unknown number on the display, just as Raven was about to sit the phone down, a text came in from the same unknown number.

Raven read the message to herself, "Sorry I haven't called you, hope you're not mad. Dinner, tomorrow night? –Trey" She shook her head and tossed the phone back in her bag, he had some nerve.

"Bad news?" Drake asked, he could feel the tension from her shift in mood.

Raven sighed letting out a gust of air while still laying on his lap. "I met someone at this club a few nights ago, and we hit it off great, everything was fine we talked, we kissed-" He cut her off.

"Wait a minute; you kissed somebody you just met in a club?" That shocked him, he couldn't see her being that open, alcohol must have been involved.

"I had a few drinks, leave me alone." She replied. Drake laughed, he figured as much.

"So what's the problem?" He asked.    
"Well that was five days ago, and I'm just now getting some form of communication asking me out to dinner."

"Damn five days, she might have busy, you never know."

Raven's eyes squinted, she was still laying on his lap, so he didn't catch the perplexed look on her face. 'Did I hear him right?' "What did you just say?"

"I said she might have been busy."

She sat up straight with her head slighted tilted to the side, "That's what I thought I heard. Why would you assume it's a woman?"

"Because you're a lesbian..." He said in a blasé tone, still not catching onto the befuddled glare she was giving him. 

Raven's face had froze, her eyes widened as her jaw dropped. "What?! Who the fuck told you that I'm a lesbian?" She waved her hands in front of his face stopping him from speaking. "You know what, don't even answer that, I already know." Only one name popped in her mind, 'Dollicia.'

"It's nothing to be ashamed of, I don't care." He shrugged his shoulders getting back to the movie.

Raven snatched the remote out of his hand and stopped the dvd, this caused her to have his full attention. "Aubrey, listen to me carefully... I'm not a lesbian."

His eyebrows shot up, "You're not?" Raven shook her head no. This was good news, right? Drake didn't know what to think. At least now he knew that all hope wasn't gone and he still had a chance with her, but that also made things a bit more complicated.

With her liking women he didn't have to worry about anything happening between, it made it easy for him to be around her, but now he didn't know how to be just friends with her when constantly thinking about getting her naked. The room was silent, he stared at the television, then turned back to her. "If you are, I don't have a problem with that, I-" Raven cut him off with kiss. The moment their lips merged the connection was evident to them both.

This scared Raven so she pulled back staring into Drakes eyes. He was surprised and at a loss for words. The silence was getting awkward, so she decided to be the first to speak. "That was just to prove a point; I am very much into men."

Drake returned her gaze. He knew, just as well as she did, that kiss was a lot more than she let on. It was long overdue and much needed. He watched the nervousness in her eyes. That was new to him, he was use to seeing the self assured side of her, but something else also caught his attention, her raw beauty. He loved how she looked beautiful with little to no makeup on. His hand reached out to caress her cheek, "Your eyes are grey." This was more of a statement rather than a question.

Raven smiled, she was surprised he even noticed, "Yeah they are, most people think they're green."
After days of being around her, he couldn't help himself anymore. His caress on her skin became even gentler as he leaned in to kiss her. This time when their lips twined, tongues were involved battling for dominance, Drake came out the victor. The kiss was fiery, but passionate at the same time and it was escalading quickly. He moved onto Raven pushing her back against the sofa as he crawled on top of her, positioning himself between her thighs. A muffled moan escaped her as his hand massaged her breasts. Her hands glided up and down his back while they kissed with a new found urgency. All rational thoughts were lost, there were too many emotions involved, the chemistry was too strong between them. His bulge rubbed up against her crotch making her arch into him. Her body was making her do things that her mind knew she shouldn't. His hand dropped down and began fidgeting with the button on her jeans. Raven felt her zipper slide down and all of a sudden, her good senses kicked back in.

Raven tore her lips away from his only to have him feast on her neck. "Aubrey we can't do this." She said in an unconvincing whimper. Raven was losing this battle, she wanted just lay there and melt into his kisses.

"Can't or won't?" he asked with his lips still attached to her neck.

"Both." She whispered. Raven pulled away from him, pushing his body off of her. She stood there hot and confused. Her mind was frazzled; she had to get out of there. "I'm sorry, I can't do this." Raven rushed out of there leaving her purse behind.

"Shit!" He cursed to himself. Drake sat there rubbing his temples, he didn't know what he was going to do, the one thing that he did know was that he was definitely going to need a cold shower.  

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