Chapter one

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Some time in the 17th century......

The night air was balmy, a bit humid but she didn't mind it one bit. Nothing was going to derail her plans tonight.

She had been called foolish by her coven members, over-reaching by the coven leaders. But tonight, she would show them that her ambitions were in the right place.

Her position tonight was quite strategic, it'll take nothing short of a miracle for anyone to find her. And the moon was right were she needed it to be.

At least according to the scroll she had stolen from the Maestro's room.

If he found out he would kill her, but she was too close to be worried about that.

Especially when she had secured a fail proof passage for her soul into the poor farmer's new born babe.

How she rejoiced when she was asked to watch the child for an hour while the mother cleaned up.

It was more than enough time to summon the insignia and to make it look like a birthmark blooming late.

After setting up her cauldron on the altar, she set to preparing the ingredients for the potion.

If she succeeded, she wouldn't only be granting the grimoiric entity it's freedom. She would be getting from him immortality and unparalleled beauty.

Of course she wanted to grow old, but she wanted it with a twist. That when she died she would be reborn as well.

Turning around she ensured her magic circle wasn't broken.

The last thing she needed was the demon getting the best out of her.

Soon she was making incantations and at the end of one chant she'd shed a piece of clothing.

By the time she was half way through she was as bare as a new born.

Then she began the sensual part of it.

An erotic dance she stole away to perfect came naturally.

Twisting and turning she played with herself, relishing in the feelings of euphoria.

Then the wind picked up, she found herself drawn to the circle.

Common sense told her to stand her ground but she felt so high that she didn't care.

Then she crossed the circle still touching herself. She suddenly felt the urge to lie on her back which she did and moved her body play to a new level.

At the peak of her pleasure she sensed rather than felt the extra hands on her person.

Opening her eyes she was met with soulless eyes, so empty that when she opened her mouth to scream it took her voice.

Powerless she watched as the creature laid upon her and had it's way with her.

And so it continued till she really thought she was going to die and all for nothing.

Suddenly the presence left her.

Finally she could feel her body, looking down she knew she had just lost something she was saving for another ritual.

She watched the blood, as though it had a mind of it's own flow towards the creature.

Then it spoke,

'If you had listened to your leader's you wouldn't be here. But then I wouldn't be here either', it gave a humorless chuckle that sent waves of dread through her.

'I'm aware of your desires, and as you've fulfilled mine I'll fulfill yours.

A joining is to occur and a mindless puppet you shall not be. I will move with you from every body to body.

I shall live through you and you shall work with me',

As soon as a smile graced her face the creature dived at her and they merged into one being.

Markings immediately took up residence on her shoulder and ran all the way to her thighs over her breasts.

And thus it began, the new life she wanted.


'You foul spirit!!! I command you in the name of Jesus, come out if her!!!!',

The priest had found the little girl on the streets and thought to give her shelter. But at the stroke of midnight she began making some inhuman sounds in her sleep.

The Nun had come to call him and he found himself with an excorcism going wrong.

Finally having enough he commanded the spirit out one more time and she shrieked.

So loud that some glasses started cracking.

He doused her once more in Holy water only for the shrieks to get louder and her body started contorting into unnatural shapes.

'Let her go or this be your new appearance for all eternity through Christ our Lord! Release her this instant!!!',

The young girl shrieked one more time before gradually her body returned to normal and her breathing was even.

The priest knew that this was far from over. After all the bible did say that whenever a demon was cast out of a person, if the person didn't fill that heart with Christ the demon would be back with friends.

So he resolved to keeping a close eye on the child. He would fill her heart with Christ,he didn't want any mishaps.

The next one might be fatal.



Anyway, we know the drill



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God bless you richly 😍😍

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