Chapter Four

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The said 'bar' turned out to be a club, not just any club but a strip club.

Duncan leveled his friends a look that could curl milk.

'We choose, you come', King said totally disregarding the glare Duncan shot his way. They went inside with Duncan muttering to himself.

The loud music and blinding lights assaulted his senses, his head began throbbing to the beat of the obnoxiously loud music being played. By the time his eyes adjusted a bit to the lights he had concluded he made a mistake coming here.

'I'm going home!', he yelled over the music to his friends.

'You're already here, what's left is the drink! Let's just sit and have it!', Leo yelled back.

Soon they found seats at the bar.

'I don't like this', he hissed at Kingsley who sat closest to him

'I can tell, have your drink before you sour the evening for all of us', a glass of wine was passed to him and he took a sip.

Across the bar, on the main stage the lights deemed and a slow sensual music began playing. Duncan became even more uncomfortable.

The smile screen revealed a scantily dressed woman who began moving her body to the rhythm of the song playing.

All around the bar more scantily dressed women came up on tables and began a choreography.  The lady on the table nearest to them had her eyes on Darius the whole time

Even with the moves Duncan deemed not natural, she didn't break eye contact with him. Her lips moved but the sound of the song playing covered whatever she was saying, he couldn't hear her

Darius looked like he was in a trance. Duncan hit him, not so gently, to get him to snap out of it.

'Thanks', was all he could say as he shook himself a bit before looking back at her. But this time he wasn't in a trance.

The lady on the table next to their table had her eyes fixed on Duncan. She too had words in her mouth that no one could hear, even if you heard you couldn't make sense of it.

All she needed was for Duncan to turn around and lock eyes with her. Not once did he look up after snapping his friend out of the spell Honey had been casting. Too late cause Honey had all she needed for now.

Maybe she was doing it wrong, she'd have to check after the show. But the dude was handsome. So much so that she couldn't deny it. A very fine specimen indeed.

The show soon was winding down, but Mr Handsome seemed to have had enough of the night as he was making quick movements towards the exit.

He didn't find any of this amusing, he was more mad at himself for not leaving when he realized they were at a strip club.

He was pissed. And what was up with that lady and Darius? Why was she looking at him like that? And what was she saying to him? Was it a spell? He wouldn't put it passed such happening in a place like this.

But that was Darius's problem. As for him, he needed to go home and pray this experience away!


'Dude I'm sorry, I didn't think you'll get so worked up about it-'

'Stay away from me King or I'll crack your head open with one blow from this!', he continued unpacking the package his dad sent for him to check out for a client.

'I'll admit I went overboard aiit? But come on! You always take us with you to your church meetings, we just thought to take you to one of our hangouts-'

'In what world does a church equal a strip club?!',

'Okay wrong choice of examples. Point is I'm sorry. We never felt uncomfortable when we went with you to church so we shouldn't take you to places where you're uncomfortable',

He took his phone to call his dad,'Dad I can't find the screwdrivers, did you pack them?.... Ok I see them', he hung up before facing King.

'It's fine, now please go away I have some work to do',

'Can I help?', Duncan leveled him a look.

'Fine'. He showed him what he could do to help before he focused on testing the security software he was supposed to test out.


'Come honey, what do I call you...'


'Just your name... Come on.. give it to me...',

'I... It's... I..',

'Almost there baby....mmmmmm, can you feel that....',

Moving his hands he felt skin, he could touch her. Smell her. Which didn't make any sense but he was too delirious with pleasure to care at the moment.

He jolted awake, to the sound of banging on his room door.

'What the... I'm coming ! I'm coming!',

He stood up and swayed a bit before stumbling and wrenching his door open.


'Been knocking for a while now. You good?', Ben asked looking at him.

'Yea, whatcha want?', he was feeling exhausted.

'Nothing, just wanted to wake you up. Oh and take care of that', he glanced at his fly before walking off. Darius looked down to see a very prominent and now painful hard-on.

'Just great!', he closed his door and leaned on it. What kind of a wet dream was that? It felt too real, shaking himself he went to take a shower to clear his head.



She let out a scream of frustration. She was close, so close! And that fool had to wake him up!! How he was able to wake him up was a topic for another day.

Her astral projection could have killed her if he'd seen her. But all wasn't lost, she'd just have to start all over again. The spell she was able to cast gave her a three month window to walk his dreams. But she couldn't shake off the urgency.

Till midnight then.

Maybe this time she'd just have sex with him. His junk was kinda impressive and she was kinda horny herself.

She smiled as she pulled in a transparent cover up on, and headed for the mistress's office.

Knocking, she opened the door as she was invited in and wasn't at all surprised to find a guy inside the mistress. The loss of focus and the robotic way he was moving showed what she thought earlier, he was under her influence as usual.

A finger pointed her in the direction of what she needed.

Walking out of the office, she saw an open door and the sounds coming out of it couldn't be ignored. She was very nosey.

Some poor girl was being pounded on by the beast. He was called that with good reason, he was buff and mean looking. Not to mention a very wicked warlock.

Shrugging, she went about her business. She had a night to plan, hopefully she'd be successful this time around.



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