Chapter Sixteen

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The change in scenery wasn't the problem per say. But she was a seasoned witch to put it lightly, and this wasn't just an illusion maze. A talisman was being made with her name on it.

She could only think about what they would have her do.

Seeing what looked like a barrier she tried to go through it to no avail. She banged on it with all her might and just as she expected it didn't budge.

She groaned before sitting on the floor, and made a pit fall before she was standing in front of the Mother who held a talisman in her hands.

'Welcome back sleeping beauty', yes she was still in chains. Holding her head up was a chore, but before she could drop her head she heard the Mother.

'Ah ah ah! Take a good look at this darling, or rather these. Your controls', she gestured to the table behind her and Symphony knew she was done for.

'Now, how about a test run', Mother stabbed the leg of the talisman and she screamed from the pain.

'Works perfectly, don't you think so Honey?',

'Yes Mother, utter perfection',

'Good, oh stop your moaning there's no blood see?', and truly she wasn't bleeding.

'But if I wanted blood I'd do this', she picked another blade from the table and gave a cut to the hand of the talisman. She screamed as blood gushed out of the cut.

And so it went on till she was going in and out of consciousness

'I think she understands her position perfectly, set her free. She's ready for her assignment'.


Three days

That was all the time she had to come clean to Duncan. About everything.

She couldn't do it. He'd never look at her the same again. She was barely functional but her clock started ticking the moment she was dumped on the street leading to her house in the middle of the night.

'I know you're thinking you have the option of death-', she nearly passed out from the fright.

'But you're sadly mistaken', the Maestro continued to walk around her bedroom like she owned the place.

'You see, your life is mine. Your will is mine, your very existence is mine. Go!',

She found herself standing in front of Duncan's house. She had been forcefully teleported there.

Not knowing what else to do she broke down in tears.

The thought of breaking Duncan's heart was tearing her apart. No she'd only do this at the brink of death, she wasn't doing it.

She turned to go back but was face to face with the Maestro.

'The first step they say is always the hardest, let me do that for you',

'No!!', too late. The door bell rang and the door opened to reveal a very confused Duncan.

'Babe? What happened?', as he reached for her she passed out, jolted awake and found herself still imprisoned.

'That was fun!', the Mother cheered as Honey laughed her head off.

Symphony began crying again.

'Rest up child, you have a big day tomorrow', with that she was left alone where she sobbed and screamed till her voice was hoarse. Till she lost consciousness.


Almost three months had gone by and he hadn't seen or heard from Symphony. Definitely not from lack of trying.

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