Chapter Fourteen

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It'd been exactly a month since the incident with Darius. The authorities had done everything they could to recover the funds with little success. The media of course had a field day with the issue, and Duncan was just pissed about the whole thing.

The houses had been recovered as those were landed properties with his parents having the deeds. The only upside to the whole fiasco.

Precautions had been put in place after the whole thing. Prayers had been said from his family, and his mum was currently in his house fussing over Darius.

The idiot was lapping it up as expected.

'What do you want for dinner baby? You sure you'll be fine on your own?', mum asked Darius.

'Mexican mama, as long as it's Mexican I'll be fine',

'Okay baby', she'd gone to the kitchen to make everything from scratch.

Symphony had been distant of recent, and he didn't know what to make of it.

He didn't think calling her out was wise as they weren't official.

The door bell distracted him from his thoughts, he opened it to find Symphony there.

'I'm so sorry I'm late', she said as she hurried in. She took of her jacket.

'Its fine, we just started dinner. Come on in, how was today?',

'It went quite -', the words died in her mouth as she took in the beauty that was seated at the table.

Duncan helped her into her seat, walked around the table and sat next to the said beauty.

As soon as he sat the said beauty have him an indulging smile in her opinion. Duncan smiled back. The hit of jealousy shocked her.

Choosing to do what she was paid to do, she schooled her emotions and played along.

Dinner progressed and the boys looked at the red haired beauty like she hung the moon. She kissed Duncan too close to his lips and she lost her appetite. Not to mention that she was now seeing red.

There was a vacant seat next to her as the dining table was a long one, it was soon occupied by Duncan who started explaining the different dishes before her thinking she wasn't eating because she didn't know the meals.

'Now eat up before my mother decides to intervene',

Mother?!!, She thought to herself and immediately felt shame. The woman could pass for his girlfriend!!

'Yes mother, now eat up before she finds you any more interesting than Darius at the moment', she began eating after that.

And the meal was delicious.

She just found a new hero. An aeronautic engineer and a pilot. And she had five kids.

She was definitely competition material.

After dinner she walked up to her to apologize for her behavior during dinner.

'Oh hunny it's fine. It's fun to be viewed as a competition to the younger generation. An introduction would have stopped all of this',

'Still I behaved badly, it's still his house after all',

'Its okay, here take this with you'

'Its too much!', she said as she was handed a cake

'Say it any louder and you'll have none to go home with', she winked and left her in the kitchen. Duncan soon walked in.

'Your mum is awesome',

'I know, she's a darling. Leaving already?',

'Yes, I have an early start tomorrow',

'Alright, let me walk you to your car',.

He waited till she settled the car in her back seat before leaning in to give her a kiss on her cheek. At the last minute she turned and caught his lips with hers.

She tensed thinking he'd pull away but he held on. She sighed into the kiss and decided to enjoy it.

When the kiss came to an end they were both breathless.

'Wow', Duncan whispered when he could form a word.

'Wow', Symphony whispered back.

This time around he pulled her into a kiss at a very sedate pace.

Finally ending the kiss, he bid her goodnight and watched her drive off. He didn't regret the kiss, but he wasn't sure both of them were quite ready for the next yet.

An owl hooted in the distance, but no one paid it any attention, it's eyes fixed on the scene.

Mother watched with a sneer as Symphony drove off. She didn't show for her final initiations, this was a very interesting turn of events.

At least her heart was unavailable for the bond required to be mistress.

Guess she had more than enough time to rule after all. She cackled to herself before breaking off the connection with the owl.


She looked up to her office door opening.

Buff guys stepped in with enough chains hanging off their person to set off national security.

'Sure, make yourselves at home', she said sarcastically as more of the buff guys walked in. She would have been shocked if the owner of the company she worked for wasn't a senior member of their coven.

She raised an eyebrow as the Mother walked in at the end of the line. But she was nearly forced to her knees by the woman who walked in after the Mother.

She was very scared of the cobra, but this woman put the cobra to shame. She was quite capable of wetting herself from the fear coursing through her.

The Lernean Hydra in their true were puppies compared to the woman that stood before her.

And far from it she wasn't ugly or deformed. She was beautiful beyond words. But something about her instilled fear on sight.

'A brave one', her mouth spoke but she heard voices echo the sentence.

'I like. She's the one who didn't bother to show up at her initiation, and has been absent if your report is correct',

'Yes Maestro', if it was possible for the Mother to be one with the ground she would have been. Something Symphony would have found amusing had she not been petrified herself.

'Fascinating', hearing no footsteps or seeing any movements the said creature was infront of her.

As though a shield was lowered she was granted the view of her true form. She was could swear she was looking at a mirror.

The only difference was the soulless eyes the creature had.

'It is well known that I never leave my place of rest, but my companion has been raving about a double ganger if you will', a snake peeked from her shoulder at Symphony.

'Imagine my surprise when I see my reflection going to school, being trained, her first kill, doing compulsions untaught, and a lot of other simply delightful things! Such a rare feat',

Symphony couldn't feel her limbs as she was raised from the ground and was suspended in the air.

The creature walked around her, inspecting her before giving her a smile that should have been classified as beautiful till she spoke next.

'Look love, she's in love!', the 'snake' on her shoulder immediately took the shape of a monstrous beast.

It's about to go down



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